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Quotes / Mistaken for Prank Call

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John McClane: I repeat, unknown number of terrorists, six or more, armed with automatic weapons at Nakatomi Plaza, Century City. Somebody answer me, goddammit! [...]
Dispatcher: Attention, whoever you are, this channel's reserved for emergency calls only.
John: No fuckin' shit, lady! Do I sound like I'm ordering a pizza?

(Homer and Fat Tony are outside Moe's Tavern)
Homer: (nervously) Woooah! What are we doing here?
Fat Tony: I will tell you...
(a flashback shows Fat Tony calling Moe's Tavern by accident)
Fat Tony: (voiceover) When I call for my Russian business partner, Yuri Nator, I don't expect to be screamed at like I was some ten year old punk making a prank call!
Moe: Yuri Nator? Yuri Nator? Hey, my mouth is begging for a Yuri Nator!
(as usual, the bar patrons laugh)
Barney: Be careful what you wish for!
Moe: Why you... I'm going to chop you into little pieces and make you into a Rubik’s Cube which I would never solve!
