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Quotes / Lame Last Words

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The White Death, Bullet Train

"Go to your room! I mean it. I am very, very angry with you. I'm very, very cross. Go... To... Your... Room!" [the monsters turn around and leave] "I'm really glad that worked. Those would have been terrible last words."
Ninth Doctor, Doctor Who: The Doctor Dances

I said, "The weather is hot." This was merely stating the obvious, of course, and a poor bid for last words; but witnesses at executions will confirm that only very rarely do the condemned utter profundities. You should not expect wisdom from people in such a position. Their minds, after all, will tend to be elsewhere.
Land Of The Headless by Adam Roberts

"I can't believe my last words are 'snot rocket'!"
Ben Tennyson, Ben 10: Omniverse, "A New Dawn"

Sandor: Those are your last words? "Fuck you"? Come on, you can do better.
Dying Brigand: Cunt!
Sandor: You're shit at dying, y'know that?

Hetr: My soul is not a fart-! [Emil runs him through] don't let those be my last words
Emil: Don't worry. No one's ever gonna look them up.

Elliot: Tell my wife that I love her! Ever since I first met her at the founding of UPS! [gets torn in half] Urrgh...
Claire: Oh, that's not very good at all. Oh no. This ain't a-
Elliot: I was there! At the founding of UPS! Such a beautiful year...
Claire: ...What? I didn't understand that.

"Shoulda. Woulda. Coulda."
George the Psychopomp cataloguing last thoughts, Dead Like Me, "Vacation"

Gray: I've been thinking about nuclear bombs… a lot, recently… There's a possibility that a nuclear bomb could strike at a moment that would make my last words something really embarrassing… Like me going like "Hey, Lois, nehehehe!"
(immediate cut to nuclear test footage)
Gray: That would suck, so much. I would be really mad, in whatever… if-if there was an afterlife I'd be so pissed.

Whenua felt himself losing his grip. The webbing could no longer support his increased weight. He tried to think of something profound to say before he dropped, but could only manage, "Uh... bye."
BIONICLE: Web of Shadows novelization

"It's over, idiot. You're going to die here and now, and the last words out of your mouth will have been the words 'poop train.'"
Krieg's inner voice, Borderlands 2
