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Quotes / Hitler Ate Sugar

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Just because Hitler spoke German doesn't make the entire language corrupt.

"So the nasty Italian fascists believed that unity is stronger than division," said Professor Quirrell. Sharpness was beginning to creep into his voice. "Perhaps they also believed that the sky is blue, and advocated a policy of not dropping rocks on your head."

What Cohen said with that was, in effect, that I know Goebbels, and you guys are just like him. That is not helpful to either the health-care debate or to our historical understanding of what happened in Germany between 1933 and 1945.

Just because Obama and Bin Laden both wanted to stop climate change, that doesn't make them buddies! Guess what? I'm a shitty painter, but that doesn't make me friends with Hitler!

Hitler loved good music and many top Nazis were cultured and sophisticated men, but it didn't do them, or anyone else, much good.

Look, Perry the Platypus, just because I'm evil doesn't mean everything I do is evil.
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb

"Two plus two remains four, although Adolf Hitler would undoubtedly have agreed."

I love the fact that anything he's doing, you're like, "Yeah, I bet you do that, you prick. Yeah, I bet you like to have a picnic on a blanket, you piece of shit."
Nish Kumar on QI, looking at an image of Hitler sitting on a blanket and peeling an apple

Okay, people. Even if Stalin gave people free day care, that is not what made him Stalin. All right? No one who ever suffered through his regime was like, "The famines and gulags, they were bad enough. But he also gave out toys to kids. That was the worst."

"I liked [anthropomorphic animals] so — so much earlier than it was ever called 'Furry stuff.' I just thought anthropomorphic animals were cute, and now, because someone else decided to have a fetish, now I'm the weirdo."

”Wind power made the Trans-Atlantic slave trade possible.”
Steve Milloy, trying to prevent the phasing out of fossil fuels
