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Quotes / Don't Eat and Swim

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"You know how people say wait an hour after eating before you go swimming? It's bullshit!"
Hardtack, Agents of Mayhem

Mung Daal: Hey, Chowder, come on! Jump in!
Chowder: I can't, Mung. I just ate. I'll cramp up. See? (dips toe in pool; whole body cramps up) Oh, my cramp!
Chowder, "Endive's Dirty Secret"

"Hey, no swimming for an hour after you eat! You don't wanna get a cramp!"
Eek, Eek! The Cat

SpongeBob: Soon as I'm done, we can jump back in the pool! I know tons more games!
Squidward: NO MORE GAMES! Besides... you have to wait an hour after eating before going back in the pool.
Squilliam: That's just an old wive's tale. In fact, here she is.
Old Wife: It's true. I made that up to get attention.
Nickelodeon Magazine, "The Cool Pool"

Slim Jim: You're supposed to wait 30 MINUTES! How about a beefy, spicy...
Swimmer: Cramp!
Snap it to a Slim Jim commercial
