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Quotes / Complaining About People Not Liking the Show

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Scratch: This game sucks balls!
Robotnik: NO! Shut the fuck up!
Youtube Poop: Robotnik and his gameboy

What the fuck happened here? Did the members of Warrant, Mötley Crüe, Poison and Bang Tango come together to stuff the ballot boxes? Who hates Nirvana?
Rolling Stone on Nirvana's entry for the Worst Bands of the 90s

Why does this show get such bad reviews?! It's fine! Even the lowest-rated episodes of this show are fine! Of the episodes I've seen, I personally could not find a single offensively bad episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Yes, it's not intellectually stimulating to adults, but this is an educational show for toddlers. Of course it's not going to be! And it's still very tolerable to watch. To me, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is Dora the Explorer... done well.
PhantomStrider talking about Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in the honorable mention on Top 5 Worst Mickey Mouse Cartoons.

"As someone who actually does work on the IDW Sonic comics now, you guys really gotta stop dogpiling people whenever they criticize the comic or say something negative about it. Enough with the "OH MY GOD SONIC FANS COMPLAIN ABOUT EVERYTHING" crap. They’re not even being mean in this tweet. If you disagree with them, just keep it movin'."
Daniel Barnes on Twitter
