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Quotes / Catch Your Death of Cold

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Pearl: *whispering* Ugh! Steven! This is a stealth mission! You're making too much noise! Take off the jacket!
Steven: Ugh, but, I don't wanna catch a cold. *holds his jacket tightly*
Pearl: Then why are you still wearing sandals?!
Steven Universe, "Arcade Mania"

You'll be laughing through your handkerchiefs when I'm the only one here who hasn't caught a cold.
Velma Dinkley, What's New, Scooby-Doo?, "There's No Creature Like Snow Creature", after her friends laugh at her bulky snowsuit.note 

Unnamed Girl: I remember when I washed my hair, then I went outside in the evening air. My daddy said, 'Your head is wet. Don't go!', but now I've got a sniffy nose and a cold.
John: I remember, it was yesterday, when my mother said, 'John, put your jacket on!', but I was busy, didn't wanna stop, and now I've got a stuffy nose and a cough.
Treasure Attic, "Achoo, I've Got a Cold"

You didn't even have the sense to get in out of the rain!
Common Sense when discussing how the man could've caught his cold, How to Catch a Cold

Tae-young: See, I told ya you were gonna get sick sitting out in the rain, you dolt.
Aaron T.: Why were you sitting in the rain?
Aaron Z.: I wasd't feelig super great about byself last dight. I'b okay dow, but I thig the raid gave be a chill.
Aaron T.: I guess you could say it sent chills down your spine.
