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Playing With / Catch Your Death of Cold

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Basic Trope: Catching a weather-induced cold.

  • Straight: After being caught in a freezing rainstorm, Alice catches a cold.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Alice spends hours out in the bad weather. When she comes in she has a slight sniffle but is otherwise fine.
  • Justified:
    • Alice is an alien, who reacts in a cold-like manner to the cold or getting wet.
    • The cold weakened Alice's immune system.
  • Inverted: Alice gets a cold from being too hot/dry, or the cure for a cold-like disease involves getting cold and wet.
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted: For the first one, Bob says he caught his cold from being cold.
  • Parodied: Medical doctors treat low temperatures and rain like surefire ways to catch a cold and suggest people literally avoid them like the plague.
  • Averted: It is always sunny and warm, characters only ever get sick in the "usual way", or there are no Sick Episodes.
  • Zigzagged: Alice is having cold-like symptoms, but it is unknown if she actually has a cold, and she has been in the rain, but it is unknown if that caused her cold if she has one.
  • Enforced: An early sign that Alice is actually an alien.
  • Lampshaded: "How could I have gotten sick from the rain?"
  • Invoked: Alice spends time in the cold to get sick on purpose.
  • Exploited: The heroes put ice around their fortress to keep them safe from the Big Bad, who are aliens who get sick when exposed to low temperatures.
  • Defied: Alice takes shelter the moment it starts to rain.
  • Discussed: "What does Alice have?" "A common cold?" "But none of us are sick, where did she get it from?" "The rain". "You can't catch a cold from the rain, doc!! What sort of doctor are you?!"
  • Conversed: "How can rain and cold make characters sick?"
  • Implied: Alice is seen in the rainstorm, and fine. In the next scene she has a cold.
  • Played for Drama: The rain is poisonous rain that gives people a cold-like illness and they must Find the Cure!.

Don't worry, This Is Reality, and even if it's rainy on the main page I'm linking to, you won't Catch Your Death of Cold.
