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Quotes / Bad Vibrations

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Films -- Live-Action

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom* SKREEEEOOOOOOOONK!

Don't be fooled
It isn't thunder.
Staying put
Would be a blunder.

Anybody hear that? It's an... It's an impact tremor, that's what it is... I'm fairly alarmed here.
Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park


I wish I could tell you that it all started with a great pyramid of flame, or a burning temple, or strokes of lightning from the gods. Boiling lakes, shooting stars, ghostly wails, strange visions and monstrous deformities—these are all dire things that could have warned of the apocalyptic end to our people.
But I can only tell you that it started with nothing. Nothing but the shake and shiver of the earth.
Quetzacthulhu, by Set Sytes

Tabletop Game

The ground trembles every other heartbeat... the sound echoed louder with each beat, and haunted your soul as if doom was approaching... and then I saw it towering in the sky, still miles away. The fear and awe one felt was indescribable. I can only image the sheer terror our enemy felt when they beheld the sight of the Emperor Titan.

Video Games

Scanner reports significant seismic activity. And it's heading your way. Dig in and prepare.
Mission Control letting you know it's Dreadnought time, Deep Rock Galactic


Draig: Do you feel that?
Ace: Uh, I can hear that. However, since film is a visual medium, we should look at this cup of water for additional confirmation.
Draig: That's concerning.
Sabrina: I'll say. It's bound to spill over.
Housepets!, Let's Imaginate Jurassic Park Part 2
