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Podcast / Supernatural Sexuality With Dr Seabrooke

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Supernatural Sexuality with Dr. Seabrooke is a Fantasy relationship advice Podcast where callers seek help in navigating romance between humans and supernatural beings. Questions ranging from "how can I make a long-distance relationship work with the really cute girl I met at a Scottish loch while on holiday?" to "I'm a minotaur and everyone expects me to be a dominant manly man, but I'm just a big softie, how can I find someone who will look past the stereotypes and like me for me?" are fielded.

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Tropes for the podcast

  • Interspecies Romance: The central premise of the show. The world is full of minotaurs, ghosts, vampires, nymphs, fairies, wizards, mermaids, and so much more and often they're all just looking for love and trying to get along.
  • Invisible to Normals: One caller is having trouble, because her friends can't see her fairy girlfriend, since they didn't inherit the sight like she did.
  • Our Sirens Are Different: The "enthralling siren" is a stereotype many sirens have to deal with. One siren caller is dealing with bigoted parents who believe their son's love for her is a result of her hypnotic powers, and not because he's legitimately fallen in love with her.
  • Resurrected Romance: Several instances. Various dating issues due to incorporeality, limited interaction with the physical world, etc. make ghosts and their partners some of the shows most frequent callers.
