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Playing With / Veganopia

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Basic Trope: Utopias in fiction are portrayed as vegetarian or vegan.

  • Straight: Tropetania is portrayed as a beautiful Crystal Spires and Togas, populated by a Perfect Pacifist Superior Species who only subsist on plants and animal products such as milk, honey and eggs.
  • Exaggerated: Tropetania is vastly superior to every other civilizations in virtually every aspect, and since the animals in that society are as sentient as humans, not even their products (such as milk and eggs) may to be used as food or clothing material without it being seen as a gross violation of creature rights. Thankfully, the residents are perfectly capable of making Impossibly Delicious Food, not just out of plant-based ingredients, but also supposedly inedible material such as dirt, rocks and air.
  • Downplayed: The citizens of Tropetania don't eat regular meat, but they don't mind using fish, mollusks and insects to extract protein for their food source.
  • Justified: The work defines Utopia as a place where there is no pain or harm, and an animal diet violates that ideal.
  • Inverted:
    • Tropetania is considered the best place to live in, and their cuisine consists of nothing but meat and offals.
    • The fact that the citizens of Tropetania are unable to afford meat is shown as a sign of that it's in the Wrong Side of the Tracks.
  • Subverted: While most of the restaurants in Tropetania only serve plant-based food, there are a few places that offers meat dishes.
  • Double Subverted: Tropetania's "meat" is actually made of plant proteins, but somehow tastes as good as—or even better than—regular meat (and healthier, too!).
  • Parodied: As soon as everyone goes vegan, Tropetania instantly becomes Crystal Spires and Togas utopia.
  • Zig Zagged: Aerith, a citizen of Tropetania, is vegan and looks down on her teammates for their meat diet. When the party visits Tropetania, they are surprised to find steak restaurants, although Aerith tells them that the meat is artificial and are made of plants. However, Aerith is lying. The people of Tropetania generally have no problems eating meat, and Aerith is simply trying to force her personal way of living to the rest of her team due to her superiority complex.
  • Averted: The people eat a normal diet of meat and plant based products.
  • Enforced: The creator is a vegan, and wants to convince their readers that a vegetarian/vegan diet is better than a meat-eating lifestyle.
  • Lampshaded: "You humans are so barbaric. Killing poor, defenseless animals for its meat..."
  • Invoked: The original founder of Tropetania, King Goodwin, is a Friend to All Living Things, and forbids his subjects from killing and eating animals. Due to his great legacy, none of his successors dared to change any of the laws he's introduced, and meat-eating remains a banned practice even centuries after the good king's death.
  • Exploited: A poacher from a neighboring city easily captures and steals Tropetanian animals for his illegal trade, since the critters living there don't have any survival instincts due to not having any predators.
  • Defied: Prince Alain of Tropetania develops a taste for meat while adventuring outside his kingdom, and after being crowned King, he quickly introduces meat diet to his countrymen.
  • Discussed: "In Tropetania, we believe that the love for another's well-being is the foundation of a peaceful and prosperous life. For this reason, we do not harm animals for its flesh nor hide."
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: The people of Tropetania are severely protein deficient. The people are peaceful and complacent not because they value virtue and the simple pleasures of life, but because they are too anemic to really pursue anything beyond what their station obligates them to do.
  • Reconstructed: Tropetania is technologically advanced and has lab-grown meat that's just as nutritious as the real thing. It's the reason they gave up actual meat in the first place, since they decided there was no more point in farming animals for it.

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