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Playing With / Transplanted Character Fic

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Basic Trope: A Fan Fic where the story's only similarity to the original is that it shares the characters.

  • Straight: The sci-fi series The Adventures of Alice in Space, where Alice is an intergalactic pilot having adventures, has fanfiction where Alice is a barista in a small-town coffee shop.
  • Exaggerated: As above, except that while Alice was The Ace and an All-Loving Hero in the original, here, she's a cynical and self-centered Straw Loser.
  • Downplayed: The story is now set in modern times rather than space, but Alice is still a daredevil pilot who acts pretty much the same as canon Alice and even does a lot of the same things.
  • Justified:
    • The author simply wanted to experiment with a different setting.
    • The author wanted the freedom to write a story without being at all beholden to canon.
    • The author is analyzing what the absence or presence of a specific nail would do.
  • Inverted: The story takes place in the same world and continues from the canon plot, but has different characters.
  • Subverted: The plot looks like it's one of these, but then it's revealed to be the adventurous Alice stuck in a Lotus-Eater Machine.
  • Double Subverted: Turns out the machine was just one of Alice's daydreams and she was thinking about how great it would be if that were true.
  • Parodied: Every single character in the original is comically off from their original counterparts, and everyone shares a name no matter how incongruous - for instance, Evil Overlord Emperor Evulz is now the Littlest Cancer Patient.
  • Averted: The story is completely canon-compliant.
  • Zigzagged: It starts with little resemblance to the original, but then Alice gets a driver's license and starts taking part in similar adventures to her canon counterpart. There are still chapters where Alice brews cappuccino and talks to the customers, though.
  • Lampshaded: "So Alice, why is your last name Andromeda?"
