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Playing With / Tamer and Chaster

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Basic Trope: Sexual content is toned down or removed from a work.

  • Straight: "The Ethan and Francine Show" was a raunchy romantic comedy with a lot of fanservice, but its reboot "The New Ethan and Francine Show" has significantly less sexual content.
  • Exaggerated: "The New Ethan and Francine Show" is toned down to be appropriate for preschoolers, while "The Ethan and Francine Show" was a hardcore porno.
  • Downplayed:
    • The more blatant sexual content is removed, but "The New Ethan and Francine Show" still keeps its fair share of sexual innuendos.
    • Francine used to wear a fairly Stripperific outfit, but Adaptational Modesty is given.
    • "The New Ethan and Francine Show" is still a fanservice-heavy series in general, but it's still toned down compared to near-pornographic original.
  • Justified: For whatever reason, "The New Ethan and Francine Show" doesn't have anything to do with sex anymore.
  • Inverted: Hotter and Sexier and/or Darker and Edgier
  • Subverted: The less raunchy aspects of the show were a case of Early-Installment Weirdness.
  • Double Subverted: Which later return.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig-Zagged: ???
  • Averted: "The New Ethan and Francine Show" has no less or more sexual content than "The Ethan and Francine Show".
  • Enforced:
    • "The New Ethan and Francine Show" is for a younger or more general audience than its predecessor was.
    • A criticism of "The Ethan and Francine Show" was that its Vulgar Humor could get too extreme occasionally, so the writers decided to tone down the sexual content in order to Win Back the Crowd.
  • Lampshaded: "Wow, you're wearing clothes that are a lot less revealing than what I remember."
  • Invoked: Gerald, Ethan and Francine's neighbor, asks them to tone down the sexual content.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: Ethan and Francine's neighbor, Gerald, ask them to tone down the sexual content. They refuse.
  • Discussed: "Remember all the sexual content the old show had?"
  • Conversed: "Since when was "The Ethan and Francine Show" a G-rated sitcom?"

Back to Tamer and Chaster, which now has a lot less sexual content.
