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Playing With / Sympathetic P.O.V.

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Basic Trope: An episode swaps the perspective morality of the protagonist and antagonist.

  • Straight: The new episode of Trope Heroes plays from the perspective of Emperor Evulz, revealing details intended to make him seem sympathetic.

  • Exaggerated: An entire season is dedicated to Emperor Evulz, revolving around him actually trying to make part of the world a better place and even making him seem more like a hero despite being the Nominal Villain.

  • Downplayed: Part of the episode reveals that Emperor Evulz has other duties beside evil .

  • Justified:

  • Inverted: An episode of Trope Heroes is dedicated to portraying Harold the hero as an internal Jerkass.

  • Subverted: Near the end of the episode, it is revealed that Evulz was just doing some acting on his off-day.

  • Double-Subverted: ...recording what he wanted to do when he was finally done with his evil work.

  • Zig-Zagged: ...which was just another chore of his before planning for another evil misdeed.

  • Parodied: The episode is dedicated to Evulz goofing off on video games and writing lame excuses for his misdeeds.

  • Averted:
    • There is no episode dedicated to Evulz.
    • The episode only portrays Evulz' secret plans and cruel reasoning.

  • Enforced: The creators don't want to portray Trope Heroes as another generic Black-and-White Morality superhero show, so they dedicate an episode to make it White-and-Grey Morality instead.

  • Lampshaded: "Evulz, are you just going to spend the whole day goofing on good deeds?"

  • Invoked: Evulz himself records a video of himself justify his "evil" actions.

  • Exploited: Harold gains information of Evulz and sends the information to The Federation.

  • Defied: Evulz breaks the fourth wall and taunts the viewer for thinking they'd get an episode of him on his off-day.

  • Discussed: "When can I ever get some sympathy for myself? Perhaps on the right season..."

  • Conversed: Viewer: "The writers definitely did well at expanding Evulz' character."

  • Deconstructed: Even a single episode dedicated to giving Evulz sympathy gives Harold enough time to foil his plans. After all, Evulz is the Nominal Villain of the series.

  • Reconstructed: That doesn't immediately mean that Harold is just going to kill Evulz right on the spot. In fact, he returns to save "Evulz" one day.

  • Implied: The episode shows hints of Evulz acting better than usual.
