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Playing With / Summon Everyman Hero

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Basic Trope: An ordinary person gets transported to another, fantastic realm via, a spell, ritual, artifact, or by the act of god etc etc.

  • Straight: Princess Amilia Xizelle'xie (Ami to her friends), a half-elf princess with succubus ancestry, uses a magical pentagram to summon Kenta, an Ordinary High-School Student, to the Magical Land of Arizelle.
  • Exaggerated: Elysium, the patron goddess of Arizelle, plucks Kenta from the real world to serve as her personal champion.
  • Downplayed: Ami was trying to summon someone more qualified than Kenta.
  • Justified:
    • All of the other native adventures tried and failed so Ami had no other choice but try summoning someone from another world.
    • There is knowledge in Kenta's world that is commonplace but in Ami's world is incredibly rare. Kenta teaching people to wash their hands and watch where they sneeze saves millions of people from disease.
    • Due to a prophecy and Maou the Demon King having a geas that prevents any hero that is a native of Arizelle killing the Demon King off for good the best they can do is imprison it for a hundred years until it breaks out. Enter Kenta.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: Ami considers using the spell, but decides against it.
  • Double Subverted: Then the situation crosses the Godzilla Threshold and she resorts to the spell.
  • Parodied:
    • After Ami summons Kenta, she holds something akin to a job interview.
    • Ami summons Kenta while the latter is taking a shower.
    • Ami summons Kenta solely because she's bored and lonely. When he insists on leaving, Ami just rolls her eyes and calls him a buzzkill.
    • "Summon Everyman Hero" is a literal magic spell that summons a Wide-Eyed Idealist Ordinary High-School Student who instantly accepts whatever they're told upon being summoned as fact (including "we are under a fascist dictatorship that can only be stopped by you making me some toast").
    • Kenta is more akin to a main character from a Rick and Morty/Family Guy knock-off than a prim and proper Isekai hero (which can be blamed on the author having the character come from whichever culture they consider stereotypically asinine) and quickly grosses out and horrifies his hosts and his enemies (and the audience finds it funny as hell) with his crassness and trigger-happiness.
  • Zig Zagged: It is ultimately revealed that Kenta is an Eternal Hero. The spell was actually meant to summon the Eternal Hero from any world in his many incarnations.
  • Averted: Ami doesn't summon anyone.
  • Enforced: Trapped in Another World books are all the rage and "Everyman" heroes are an important detail of the escapism.
  • Lampshaded: "I must use the summoning ritual to bring a warrior from the world of heroes. The world known as Earth."
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: Kenta says, "Nope. I've got twenty pounds of homework and a lonely single mother who would freak if I vanished into thin air. I do not have time to deal with your problems. Send me home and try calling some guns for hire or something." Ami obliges.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed:
    • It's revealed the reason that Ami summoned Kenta, was to kill off her rivals for power (and steal their artifacts) so she could set her self up as a new Evil Overlord, and she tries to kill him when You Have Outlived Your Usefulness.
    • Kenta is pissed at Ami for effectively kidnapping him to do her dirty work, and only helps her out because she has his return ticket.
    • Kenta does not know the language of Ami's world. He is unable to fulfill his heroic purpose because he has no means of communicating with Ami or her followers.
    • Kenta takes half a year to carry out whatever task he was summoned to do. By the time he returns to Earth, his parents have long since assumed he died or went missing.
    • Maou the Demon King summons unarmed everymen from Earth and forces them to work as his slaves.
    • Ami wound up being an Unwitting Instigator of Doom as microbes brought along with Kenta and this starts a massive plague. About the only good news is that Maou wants nothing to do with Arizelle now. While a Demon King may be immune to disease his legions are not.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Yet despite what Ami had planned, Kenta and his allies ultimately defeat her!
    • Ami promises to return the favor to Kenta by sending one of her champions with magic skills to fight homelessness, disease and the local criminal organizations. As Kenta has a homeless family member, a little sister who is suffering from some serious disease, or has lost family to the Yakuza and wants revenge against them, he calms down and agrees to give his help since solving his problems would be Worth It, and the Series Finale shows that Ami kept her promise.
    • Ami makes sure the summoning ritual also applies the gift of tounges to Kenta.
    • Arizelle is a Year Inside, Hour Outside sort of place. Nobody even noticed that Kenta left by the time he returns.
    • Kenta gets summoned and leads a slave revolt to overthrow Maou and everyone gets to return to their own universe.
    • The kingdom seems doomed to be wiped out from disease until Kenta provides Ami with information on how to deal with pandemics (quarantine, hazmat handling, washing hands and social distancing, what vaccines are, etc), which leads to the salvation of the kingdom.

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