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Playing With / Scare 'Em Straight

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Basic Trope: A PSA that uses scary or violent imagery to push its message.

  • Straight: The movie Danger on the Road teaches a Safe Driving Aesop. It mainly showcases violent footage of car accidents to encourage student drivers to pay attention.
  • Exaggerated: Danger on the Road is loaded with Gorn-filled footage of people being disfigured or losing limbs from car accidents, family members grieving, and painful medical procedures that said drivers had to go through afterwards.
  • Downplayed: Danger on the Road tells you that you could get into an accident or be injured if you're goofing off behind the wheel, but doesn't go further.
  • Justified: Truth in Television; there are PSAs that do rely on violent footage.
  • Inverted:
    • Hooray for Safe Driving! showcases a student driver behaving nicely and driving well, then getting rewarded with ice cream.
    • Danger on the Road doesn't even mention that car accidents happen, and simply says that everyone is a safe driver.
  • Subverted: While the movie does show situations that'll lead to accidents, it cuts away or uses Relax-o-Vision before the actual collisions.
  • Double Subverted: We do see the aftermath, though, and it's not pretty.
  • Parodied: None of the violence shown is actually related to car accidents. The PSA itself admits that it just wanted to show you gross stuff.
  • Zig-Zagged: Some of the violent footage is censored, while the rest of it is uncut. And it ends on a happy note, reminding people that if we all do our part, the roads will be safer than ever.
  • Averted:
    • Driving Safely is a video that simply outlines some standard rules of driving with no description of accidents or injury.
    • Driving Safely briefly calls attention to the fact that driving can be dangerous, but it puts much more of a focus on how to prevent accidents, and doesn't show any scary/violent imagery.
  • Enforced: The staff behind Danger on the Road really want their viewers to understand a moral, so they put scarring visuals in it.
  • Lampshaded: "Pay attention behind the wheel, or you could end up like those victims!"
  • Invoked: Mary has to teach Cecil how to drive. She intentionally gives him a violent PSA to watch.
  • Exploited: Mary doesn't want Cecil driving, so she uses a violent PSA to scare him out of it.
  • Defied: Mary chooses a safe, more tame driving video for Cecil to watch.
  • Discussed: "Doesn't violent imagery tend to show up a lot in PSAs?"
  • Conversed:
    • "You ever see Danger on the Road? Pure Nightmare Fuel!"
    • "After watching Danger on the Road, I really don't want to drive while distracted... honestly, I'm not even sure I wanna drive at all anymore."
  • Deconstructed:
  • Played for Laughs: Danger on the Road is a Black Comedy safety PSA parody akin to Forklift Driver Klaus, and it shows the characters dying in over-the-top Bloody Hilarious ways.

Don't click on the link back to Scare 'Em Straight, or you'll end up like ol' Alice and Bob, stuck clicking links for all eternity!
