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Playing With / Random Species Offspring

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Basic Trope: Children born as a different species than their parents.

  • StraightAlice and Bob, both humans, spawn and raise a feline thing.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice and Bob spawn and raise an Eldritch Abomination despite being normal humans.
    • Alice and Bob have five children: an elephant, a whale, a lion, a mouse and an amoeba.
  • Downplayed: The children of Alice and Bob have traits no human would, but are nonetheless humanoid.
  • Justified: Alice and Bob's children are subject to intense mutation, causing them to resemble other species. Or Alice could've been impregnated by another species via the use of alien technology or magic.
  • Inverted: Alice and Bob, two different species, produce children that are one of their races.
  • Subverted
    • Alice and Bob's child is actually just deformed.
    • Bob was right to question his involvement as Rex, a canid like Charles, is his biological father.
    • Alice and Bob's non-human child turns out to be a case of Interspecies Adoption.
  • Double Subverted: ...However they're so deformed they qualify as an entirely new species.
  • Parodied: Alice gives birth to a robot or an inanimate object like a telephone or a baseball. (Bonus points if Bob suspects infidelity mainly because of its color.)
  • Zig-Zagged: Alice and Bob's first child is just deformed, though to such an extent they can be considered a new species. However their next children are perfectly normal by human standards, at least initially...
  • Averted: Children clearly resemble their parents' species.
  • Enforced: "We need to show something is off about Bob and Alice. How about we make their kids non-human?"
  • Lampshaded: "How did you two have a lizard-ish dog thing for a child? That's biologically impossible!"
  • Invoked: Bob and Alice get themselves charmed so their children will be unique species.
  • Exploited: Bob's ex, Betty, shows the town clear proof of Bob and Alice having inhuman children to get them driven away.
  • Defied: "People seem to be having non-human children. We need to engineer their children genetically to be normal!"
  • Discussed: "Why are Alice and Bob's children so ... strange?" "Perhaps they accidentally consumed radioactive goo?"
  • Conversed: "How do two humans even have an insectoid child? That makes no sense!" "Perhaps that is the point? It shows something is very off after all."
  • Implied: Bob and Alice are uneasy whenever someone brings up their mysterious lack of children despite the noted successful pregnancies.
  • Deconstructed: Bob and Alice's children are doomed to a short, sheltered life since how their physiology performs is completely unknown.
  • Reconstructed: Though Alice and Bob's children possess radically different physiology, this also means they possess abilities no human would have. Thus studying their children allow for new breakthroughs in science.
  • Played for Laughs: Bob and Alice produce Ridiculously Cute Critters, who don't understand people's confused reactions to this.
  • Played for Drama: Bob and Alice's son, Charlie, is murdered by people fearing him to be a demon.
  • Played for Horror: Bob and Alice are producing demons and everybody else knows it, but they aren't held any less responsible.
  • Intended Audience Reaction: This is used as a jumping-off point to explore Fantastic Racism.

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