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Playing With / New Year, Same Class

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Basic Trope: The True Companions stay in the same homeroom despite the possibility that they could be in different ones.

  • Straight: When Alice looks at their homeroom charts she's nervous about losing touch with her friends... only to find out she was put in the same class as them again.
  • Exaggered:
    • The whole class was put in the same homeroom... and their original homeroom teacher's nonetheless!
    • They were more homerooms than students in the cast, yet somehow they were all kept together.
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice didn't match with Class Clown Niall or Book Dumb Cathy, but at least she got everyone else.
    • There were only two homerooms, so it wasn't like the odds weren't in her favor she'd still have a friend.
  • Justified:
    • Alice was Born Lucky, the odds were likely she'd stay with her friends.
    • The Directors of Waitashi High School were lazy and decided to reuse last year's assignments for returning students.
    • By unexpected odds nobody changed homeroom this semester.
    • In Tropistan Elementary (and Junior High-)schools, you only change homeclass when you have to retake a grade.
    • Alternatively it was rigged to have certain pairings intact.
  • Inverted: Alice looks at the homeroom charts and sees none of her friends were put with each other.
  • Subverted:
    • Alice sees she got all her friends, but then it's announced the current charts were wrong.
    • Alice got everyone... but then they tell here they were accepted at an elitist school.
    • Alice ends up with a bunch of Recurring Extra characters from the last season.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Luckily things don't change for her when the new ones are released.
    • Via The Power of Friendship however they stay around after seeing the charts for themselves.
    • ...who gradually become the new regulars in the series and stay with Alice next year.
  • Zig-Zagged: Alice got every one of her friends, but after it was announced the charts were wrong she only stayed with three of them: Lovable Jock Jordan, "loser" Brynn and her Love Interest Darnell.
  • Averted: Alice has most of her friends in classes other than her homeroom.
  • Enforced: "We can't just break the main cast up... let's use an Acceptable Break from Reality and keep them in the same homeroom class."
  • Lampshaded:
    Alice: "Guys, I can't believe it, we're all in the same homeroom again!"
  • Invoked: Their prior teacher noted Alice's friends were great with helping each other out and suggested they stay together.
  • Exploited: Randy The Bully realizes how Alice's posse got to stay together and spread rumors one of them brided the school to make the arrangement.
  • Defied: The directors make sure to put Alice and her friends in separate homerooms.
  • Discussed:
    Jordan: "We actually went four for four on our homerooms. What are the odds of that?"
    Shirin: "I'd be happy to do the math."
    Jordan: "No, no please don't."
  • Conversed: Amanda remarks on how her favorite show keeps the main cast in the same first class.
