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Playing With / Mistaken for Flatulence

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Basic Trope: Something that sounds like flatulence is mistaken for the real deal.

  • Straight: Bob sits on a vinyl chair, which makes a squeaking sound that Alice assumes is flatulence as a result. Bob denies that it was him.
  • Exaggerated: Alice believes that every sound even remotely resembling flatulence is Bob's doing.
  • Downplayed: Alice raises an eyebrow when Bob sits on the vinyl chair, and then goes back to reading her book.
  • Justified: Bob is otherwise a Gasshole, so it wouldn't be implausible for him to have been the culprit.
  • Inverted: Alice mistakes Bob's flatulence for a ship's foghorn.
    Bob: That isn't the sound of rescue, it's just the burrito I had this morning.
  • Subverted: Bob did actually fart.
  • Double Subverted: And then Charlie sits on a vinyl chair nearby, producing a sound that is mistaken for a second fart.
  • Parodied: Bob's flatulence is blamed for EVERY sound produced in the presence of him.
  • Zig-Zagged: Bob sits on a vinyl chair, which produces a noise that Alice mistakes for flatulence. Bob denies that he farted, and Alice believes him. However, Charlie sits on another vinyl chair and an identical sound ensues. He excuses himself, as if to suggest his guilt, but then says he was just kidding. Alice then notices a funny smell…
  • Averted: Alice recognises the sound of Bob sitting on the vinyl chair for what it is.
  • Enforced: Bob is a Butt-Monkey and Alice is The Ditz.
  • Lampshaded: "For Christ's sake, this ALWAYS happens when I sit on a vinyl chair! WHO DESIGNED THIS THING?"
  • Invoked: Whoopee Cushion
  • Exploited: Bob farts at the exact moment Charlie sits on the vinyl chair, giving him an alibi in case somebody asks if he cut one.
  • Defied: Bob does not sit on vinyl chairs when Alice is around.
  • Discussed: “Don’t you hate it when you sit on a vinyl chair and everyone thinks you farted?”
  • Conversed: "It seems that people on TV either mistake vinyl chair sounds for farting or are the ones sitting on the chairs and getting the blame for the noise…”
  • Implied: Bob sits on a vinyl chair as Alice is walking through the room. The latter accelerates her walking in response.
  • Deconstructed: Alice exploits this trope to emotionally abuse Bob by persistently blaming his flatulence for random noises.
  • Reconstructed: Bob catches Alice sitting on a vinyl chair and gets his revenge by blaming her flatulence for the resulting noise.
  • Played for Laughs: The usual application of this trope.
  • Played for Drama: See Deconstructed.
  • Played for Horror: Bob and Alice were too busy arguing to notice the real source of the noise creeping up behind them. Their argument over whether cheese was cut ends with their life.


Wasn't me, that was the main page for Mistaken for Flatulence!
