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Playing With / Laxative Prank

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Basic Trope: A character sneaks laxatives into someone's food or drink.

  • Straight: Alice puts laxatives into Bob's smoothie, causing him to run to the bathroom.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice puts laxatives into the food supplies of a whole group of people.
    • Alice slips Bob a medical grade laxative used for bowel exams.
    • Alice strips Bob naked before or after he drinks the smoothie, forcing him to either defecate in public or streak or sneak into a bathroom.
    • Alice handcuffs Bob to a pole, making him defecate on the floor or in his pants.
    • Alice gets the rest of the school in on the prank, preventing Bob from finding a bathroom or escaping until he defecates himself.
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice slips fiber powder that gives Bob bathroom issues a few hours later.
    • Alice sneaks some prunes into Bob’s food.
    • Alice spits into Bob's smoothie.
  • Justified:
    • Alice is mean.
    • Alice is a kid and doesn't yet understand the idea that it's wrong- she just thinks, "LOL- poop!".
    • Alice needs to sneak past Bob, a security guard.
    • Bob is constipated.
    • Alice is The Prankster, and Bob is one of her favorite targets.
    • Bob steals Alice's food without her permission and she wants to get back at him.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice sneaks emetics into Bob's smoothie.
    • Alice sneaks diuretics into Bob's smoothie.
    • Alice sneaks a drug into Bob's smoothie that makes him eat.
    • Alice sneaks a drug into Bob's smoothie that prevents him from pooping.
    • Alice injects smoothie into one of Bob's laxative pills for some reason.
    • Alice passes Bob a smoothie to help him down his laxative pills.
    • Alice steals Bob's laxatives.
  • Subverted: Alice is seen putting a pill into Bob's smoothie and Bob is seen running to the bathroom... but he just had to pee and the pills were sleeping pills.
  • Double Subverted:
    • He finds out about the sleeping pills and pranks her with laxatives.
    • The "sleeping pills" turn out to be laxatives after all since Alice misread the package.
    • The sleeping pills have laxative side effects.
  • Parodied: Bob reacts almost immediately to the laxative and his race to reach the bathroom before he craps his pants leads to him crashing through a football team audition with a speed and power that makes Forrest Gump look like a snail. To make things more humiliating, once it's discovered what made Bob run that fast, Alice is asked to do it again so often that Bob's bowels loosen the moment he grabs onto a ball out of Pavlovian response.
  • Zigzagged: Alice is seen putting a pill in Bob's smoothie and Bob is seen running to the bathroom... but only to pee... then it's revealed that those were indeed laxatives that Alice put in Bob's smoothie... only Bob has superpowers that make him immune to them. He then appears to do the same thing to Alice as payback, but they turn out to be sleeping pills.
  • Averted: Alice does not put laxatives into Bob's smoothie.
  • Enforced: The writers wanted a way to have Alice sneak past the security guard while adding some Toilet Humour.
  • Lampshaded: "This has to be my grossest prank yet!"
  • Invoked: Charles suggests this to Alice.
  • Exploited:
    • Alice uses this to sneak past the security guard.
    • Charlie poisons Bob's smoothie before or after Alice drugs it and frames Alice for Bob's murder.
    • Alice poisons Bob's smoothie and adds a couple laxatives into it, and leaves Charles a message where she admits to putting laxatives. When she is caught, she lies that she only put laxatives into the smoothie.
  • Defied:
  • Discussed: "I can't eat that! What if it's got laxatives in it?!"
  • Conversed: "Eww, why are there so many jokes about laxatives?!"
  • Implied: Bob is seen running to the bathroom after drinking his smoothie, and Alice is seen giggling.
  • Deconstructed: Bob gets hospitalized from severe dehydration and Alice gets slapped with attempted murder charges.
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played for Laughs: We see Bob get put through wacky situations to find a bathroom.
  • Played for Drama:
    • Bob has a severe allergic reaction and gets hospitalized, so Alice feels guilty.
    • Alice, accidentally or not, fatally poisons Bob and has to cover up his murder.
  • Played for Horror: Alice intentionally gives Bob an overdose of laxatives to harm or kill him.
  • Untwisted: Alice is the one rushing to the bathroom, because she had to take some of the laxatives herself to get Bob to trust her.

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