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Playing With / Ladykiller in Love

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Basic Trope: Someone known for leaving a trail of broken hearts finds themselves in love.

  • Straight: Bob has dated many women before, usually for sex. However Alice is the first one to make him feel something.
  • Exaggerated: Bob's body count goes up to the thousands. Yet the second he meets Alice, he is perfectly fine staying with her till death do them apart.
  • Downplayed: Bob still flirts with many many women, however he often likes to bang up Alice every once in awhile
  • Justified: Bob and the women in his previous relationships have one thing they are both here for: to lust over the other's looks, and to bang. Alice was the first girl he dated that isn't interested in him solely for being Tall, Dark, and Handsome.
  • Inverted: Bob is married to Alice, yet his one night stands, brought out more emotion in him than his marriage to Alice ever did.
  • Subverted: Charlie assumes this, however Bob says that he only bangs up Alice a lot because the sex is great.
  • Double Subverted: However, over their many, many meeting, he finds himself liking her more and more.
  • Parodied: Bob is a crazed sex maniac who only craves women for their ovaries and disposes them once he's done. However the second he meets Alice, he cleans up his act and turns into the prefect husband.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Alice was simply the next in Bob's long conquest, no feeling here other than delight.
  • Enforced: "Y'know, I think Bob's Casanova gimick is getting boring, better shake things up a little."
  • Lampshaded: ???
  • Implied: Bob's dialogue to Alice seems more sweet compared to his dialogue with Diane.
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: Alice herself is malicious and uses this to redirect Bob's limited money to her needs.
  • Defied: Bob realizes what is happening, and simply covers up his feelings, for he has gone too far in his conquest.
  • Discussed: Diane: "Y'know Charlie, it's quite interesting to see how much Bob has cleaned up his act after he meets Alice, could he be in love?" Charlie: "I very much think so sister, I wonder what would he do now, considering his massive body count."
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: When Bob confesses his feeling for Alice, she simply assumes that he is simply buttering her up to bang her, and as a result she rejects his advances. Bob ends up near catatonic as a result, and as such is Driven to Suicide.
  • Reconstructed: When Alice is talking to Diane about her experience with Bob, Diane, someone who was previously in a relationship with Bob, says that he probably really is in love with her, as what Alice described with him was, way, way better than what she has gotten. Soon, Diane says that the conquest of his seems to be a coping mechanic for the abuse he delt with from his father. Realizing what she had done, Alice visits Bob in time to prevent his suicide and sends him to a therapist. A few years later, Bob manages to move on, and he happily gets marries with Alice.

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