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Playing With / Jumping-to-Conclusions Diagnosis

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Basic Trope: Someone is quickly assumed to be sick because they showed one trivial symptom like a sneeze or an itchy eye even though they're actually fine.

  • Straight: When Alice sneezes once, Bob thinks she must have a cold.
  • Exaggerated: Alice only gets a minor tickle in the nose but Bob thinks she must have a serious case of the flu.
  • Downplayed: Alice sneezes several times in a row and doesn't have a very sensitive nose. However, she still seems perfectly fine otherwise.
  • Justified:
    • Bob is a bit paranoid when it comes to medical issues and knows sneezing can be a sign of a cold.
    • It is flu-season after all.
  • Inverted: Alice has a high fever, but Bob is sure she's O.K.
  • Subverted: But then Alice starts showing symptoms of illness.
  • Double Subverted: Then when Bob sneezes, he thinks he's caught Alice's illness.
  • Parodied: At a doctor's office, the doctor says, "Alright, who's here just because, say, you had a minor itch or sneezed once? All of you can go home, you're fine."
  • Zigzagged: Sometimes Alice seems sick, sometimes not. Additionally, sometimes Bob thinks she is, sometimes he doesn't.
  • Averted:
    • Alice never sneezes, coughs, gets itchy or whatever unless she is sick, in which case she shows normal symptoms.
    • Bob doesn't diagnose Alice as sick unless she's showing true signs of illness.
  • Enforced:
    • The writers want to set up a Sick Episode but failed to do the research so Alice is still essentially healthy.
    • To set up Bob as a hypochondriac or a Lovable Coward who doesn't know much about illness.
  • Lampshaded: "I feel perfectly fine, there are many reasons to sneeze."
  • Invoked: Carol pranks Alice with sneezing powder so Bob would think she was sick.
  • Exploited: Playing Sick is very easy for Alice: all she has to do is sneeze once or claim she feels a little bit itchy.
  • Defied: Bob looks in a reliable book that tells you how to really tell if a person is sick.
  • Discussed: "So if I only sneeze once, that's not a sign of illness, is it?"
  • Conversed: "Why do these characters automatically assume someone is sick if, like, they sneeze once or something? I have a sensitive nose and am a bit clumsy so if I was in that show, I'd probably spend all my time being seen as sick."
  • Implied: "So you were sneezing because of pepper? I thought…"
  • Deconstructed: Alice becomes bored from having to rest when she's not sick.
  • Reconstructed: She breaks Bob's rules until he's convinced she's not sick.
  • Played for Laughs: Whenever Alice sneezes, coughs or whatever, Bob pulls a med kit out Hammerspace and starts performing a physical on her, to which Carol responds with "She's fine, Bob."
  • Played for Drama: Bob is genuinely mentally ill and he has trouble interacting with people because he's always convinced they're seriously ill .

Yikes, your hands are cold?! Get medical attention at Jumping-to-Conclusions Diagnosis.
