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Playing With / Impossibly Delicious Food

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Basic Trope: Food that is impossibly good.

  • Straight: Alice makes an ice cream cake that causes anyone to groan orgasmically (or even make them actually orgasm) when eating it.
  • Exaggerated: Her cake is so good it stops an entire world war and starts another one so to find who gets to eat the cake.
  • Downplayed: Alice's ice cream cake is tastier than any ice cream her friends ever ate.
  • Justified: Alice is just that good a chef, or her cooking is infused with magic or evil.
  • Inverted: Alice's cake is impossibly BAD tasting!
  • Subverted: Alices gives a slice of her cake to Bob hoping for this reaction, but for some reason he finds it perfectly ordinary.
  • Double Subverted: But then after a moment of thought, Bob realizes it is the most delicious cake in the world.
  • Parodied: Alice's cake is just so darn good it gives her best friend a brain aneurism, killing him.
  • Zigzagged: Alice's cake has the power to give people orgasms, everyone except Bob who finds it disgusting. Then Alice makes an apple pie which everyone likes, including Bob, and then Alice seems to lose her cooking abilities. Until she makes chocolate pudding that can bring back the dead!
  • Averted: Alice's ice cream cake tastes just like ice cream with a biscuit shell.
  • Enforced: "Alice is supposed a Supreme Chef, but we can't actually show the audience how her food tastes." "Well, if anyone who eats her cake moans, they'll get the picture."
  • Invoked: Alice puts herself through culinary Training from Hell and learns any applicable magic that can improve the taste of her food.
  • Exploited: Alice's ice cream cakes are used in an effort to distract security guards with powerful orgasms while Bob steals the gold.
  • Defied: Alice's cakes are made with magic bestowed upon her by the Gods themselves, but it comes out tasting like a regular ice cream cake. Unfortunately, the taste buds of people can't detect abstract flavours.
  • Discussed: "You tasted Alice's cake? It's good, isn't it?"
  • Conversed: "These people go gaga for the Alice chick's cake" "I'd rather have a Whopper and a Diet Coke myself."
  • Deconstructed:
    • Alice's food is like a powerful drug to which people quickly get addicted, people start fighting amongst each other, people go to war for a taste, Alice becomes depressed over what she has done and commits suicide.
    • Alice's food isn't anywhere near as delicious as advertised, rather it contains chemicals which make any OTHER food ingested afterwards taste horrible.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Or at least she tried but was stopped at the last second. Alice's specialty in making delicious food gets her recognized from everyone, and gets her a better job.
    • Alice's food is specifically made to prevent addiction, or else contains chemicals that suppress violent instincts to stop the fighting.
    • The drugs were introduced by a False Friend. When the issue is brought to her attention, Alice ensures that the drugs are removed. Ultimately, her food doesn't live up to the hype, but it's still shockingly delicious to the average person.
  • Implied: Whenever Alice cooks, the whole neighborhood shows up at her door for a taste.
  • Played For Drama: Someone steals Alice's recipe and she has to fight to get credit for her incredible creation.

HRRRRNGH You've gotta get some of this DELICIOUS CAKE!
