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Playing With / Heroic Lineage

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Basic Trope: The idea that good gets inherited from generation to generation just like many personality traits.

  • Straight: Katrina is an unflinchingly heroic Action Girl, clearly having modelled herself after her mother.
  • Exaggerated: Katrina's mother was an All-Loving Heroine Loved by All and her ancestor a goddess of good. Not one person of Katrina's line has turned out to be an indecent individual, even her bastard daughters ending up at least in policing jobs.
  • Downplayed: Katrina's mother was a Nice Girl who liked helping others, so Katrina follows in her mother's footsteps.
  • Justified:
    • Katrina's family line has lived in harsh conditions where others refused to help her family, but her mother always stepped up to help others, and so she does the same as her mother.
    • Katrina has been raised according to a rigid value system of decency and has been rewarded whenever she's adhered to it.
    • Everyone expects Katrina to be good girl just like her mother, and she ends up becoming one because she doesn't want to disappoint anyone.
  • Implied: Katrina is a hero, and while her family lineage isn't mentioned she does talk about "upholding traditions".
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • Katrina has dozens of good people in her family line but is the Black Sheep.
    • Katrina's family history was tampered with: most of the family line was pretty ordinary, even villainous folk.
  • Double Subverted: ...until she gets fed up and decides that following in their footsteps isn't so bad a thing after all.
  • Parodied: Katrina has a flashback to her childhood, and her fondest memory is her mother teaching him how to pet puppies and kittens.
  • Zig Zagged: Katrina finds out her mother was a heroic Action Girl and feels pressured to follow suit, even though she just wants to have a normal life outside of heroism. She gets consoled that she isn't like her mother, and has the choice to forge her own path. She faces pressure from others, but that pressure is born from people who still wonder what she will choose. Katrina then learns that most of her family line includes heroic, selfless, and benevolent people. Then she certifies that she shares many personality and temperamental traits that have been commonly observed to appear in her family. Her friend points out she is also very different from them in many respects, but one of the similarities is that she can never stop interfering when she witnesses a woman falling victim to Domestic Abuse...which happens on a regular basis.
  • Averted: People in a story's setting turn out good, evil or somewhere between regardless of what kind of people their family lines include.
  • Enforced: The author of the story comes from a generational family of authors and incorporates this family aspect into her heroic characters.
  • Lampshaded: "My mother would stop to help anyone. I'm not about to do things any differently!"
  • Invoked: Queen Benevola befriends Katrina, sows seeds of impulses towards helping strangers, orchestrates situations that turn reinforce her virtues, and starts telling her stories about how his family members are great examples of her cherished values (helping others rewards you, persistence, resilience etc.).
  • Exploited: Katrina uses her mother's heroic legacy as a way of hiding her truly evil nature.
  • Defied: Katrina knows who her family is, and is disgusted that they do so much good when the world doesn't seem to pay them back for it. So she chooses a very different darker path separate from her family, which eventually leads her to becoming one of the very monsters her family fights every day.
  • Discussed: "She can't not help them. Like Mother, Like Daughter...".
  • Conversed: "This must be one of those instances where a hero is a hero because of paternal or familial inspiration".
  • Deconstructed:
    • The pressure of Katrina's superhero family takes it toll on her. She spent her whole life suffering the pressure to be this superhero saving the world from destructive beings, and especially whenever she failed. The failure leads to much ridicule from the world, and having suffered this from a young age, she completely breaks under the pressure. The psychological vulnerability makes her a veritable target of brainwashing at the hands of unsavory people who influence her against the people that have ridiculed her for not being a perfect hero. She eventually becomes a villain because of it.
    • Katrina's raised believing that her parents were heroes just like her. She learns that not only were they not heroes, but that the villains she's been fighting are her parents. The psychological shock of this throws her entire self-image into turmoil and she suddenly is terrified of following their dark path.
  • Reconstructed:

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