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Playing With / Good Fortune from God

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  • Basic Trope: God (or some other deity) provides material wealth to humans.
  • Straight: Bob is down on his luck, and buys a lottery ticket with his last $5. He prays that the ticket will turn his luck around, and soon he goes from facing eviction from a dumpy rented trailer home to able to buy a mansion in Hawaii.
  • Exaggerated: Bob is extremely down on his luck. He is homeless, hasn't eaten anything substantial in a long time, and unemployed. He finds a winning lottery ticket in a storm drain, and soon becomes a minister.
  • Downplayed: In this setting There Are No Coincidences, and it's implied that God is pulling the strings, but never stated outright.
  • Justified: Bob believes in a God that has a high level of influence over the day-to-day lives of humans.
  • Inverted: Bob is a wealthy and influential megachurch pastor. He loses everything in a natural disaster, which is seen as being a punishment from God for Stealing from the Till.
  • Subverted: Bob wins the lottery, and is able to take care of his needs (and then some), but it's not attributed to God.
    • Bob attributes his wealth and success to being a good person, abstaining from drugs and alcohol, and working hard.
    • Bob prays that he'll win the lottery, but the ticket isn't a winning ticket.
    • The wealth promised by Bob's God is not literal, material wealth.
    • Bob doesn't pray for a winning lottery ticket, but rather a new job.
  • Double Subverted: Alice tells him he should thank God for being able to get out of a bad situation.
    • He assumes that doing all that is God's will for him, and thanks God for rewarding him.
    • However, there is no winner in this week's MegaBall drawing, and next week, Bob buys another ticket and wins even more money.
    • But Bob and several others interpret it as such.
    • He gets a new job that pays three times what he was making before he lost his old job, and with a much better benefits package.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig-Zagged: ???
  • Averted: There is no God or religion in this setting.
  • Enforced: The Almighty Dollar
  • Lampshaded: "God gave me everything I have."
  • Invoked: Bob is down on his luck financially. He lost his job at the Widget Factory, which was paying him peanuts to begin with. Meanwhile, his electricity has been shut off because he's been unable to make payments, his ex-girlfriend is suing him for non-payment of child support, he's up to his eyeballs in credit card debt, he's no longer able to afford his blood pressure medication and could stroke out if he goes without it, and his landlord warned him that he'll be evicted if he doesn't make his rent payment this month. He has $5 in his wallet, and a choice to make: buy a Value Meal at Burger Fool, or buy a lottery ticket in hopes of winning the $400M MegaBall jackpot. (Or hell, even a smaller prize.) He decides to buy the lottery ticket, prays to God that the lottery ticket is a winner, and promises Him that he'll become a minister and plant a new church if He helps him win. Bob wins the lottery.
  • Exploited: A televangelist uses Conspicuous Consumption as "proof" that he's in God's favor, in order to gain credibility with followers. He promises his audience that if they believe and worship and play by the rules, God will reward them with material wealth beyond their wildest dreams.
  • Defied: Bob decides to buy a Value Meal to keep himself going, and looks for a new job.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
