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Playing With / Gender-Blender Name

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Basic Trope: A person's name contradicts their gender.

  • Straight:
    • A woman gives birth to a baby girl. The baby is named "Bob".
    • A woman gives birth to a baby boy. The baby is named "Alice".
  • Exaggerated:
    • A woman gives birth to a baby girl, and gives the baby the manliest name on Earth.
    • A woman gives birth to a baby boy, and gives the baby the girliest name on Earth.
    • Everyone in the story has names that are traditionally considered atypical for their gender.
  • Downplayed:
    • The baby girl has a Tomboyish Name or a unisex one.
    • The baby boy has a name homonymous with a feminine name (like Adrian).
    • The baby has a middle name that is not traditionally of their gender.
    • The baby has a unisex name.
    • The character is referred to by a nickname that's not as common for their gender, such as a girl named Josephine with the nickname Joey.
  • Justified:
    • Bob's father wanted the baby to have a boy's name, no matter what.
    • (On Bob's end) It's short for a more girly name like Roberta.
    • (On Alice's end) It's short for a more boyish name like Allistair.
    • The family hails from a culture or time period where the boy's girly name is considered masculine.
    • Dad wanted to toughen his son up, or simply to torment his son for life.
    • The baby was named after someone who was very special to their parents, who happened to be the opposite gender.
    • The parents chose a name that sounds fitting for the baby's gender in their language, but actually is the opposite. (For example, a baby girl named Nikola could be an example of this justification because Nikola is actually the Slavic version of the name Nicholas.)
    • The name is gender-neutral, but it's one that's more common for a different gender (such as a girl being named Ryan). The parents were either unaware of the fact that it's a less common name for that gender - or they did realize, but thought the name sounded cool anyway.
    • The character's gender was unknown at the time they were originally named (typically common with animals, especially in a Your Tomcat Is Pregnant situation).
  • Subverted:
    • After trying to name the baby "Bob", the mother named her "Bella" instead.
    • After trying to name the baby "Alice", the father named him "Arron" instead.
    • A woman is known by the name "Roberto," but it's later revealed that was simply a nickname, and her real name is Alice.
    • Bob is commonly thought to be a woman with a masculine name, but it turns out that he's actually a man who looks feminine.
    • Alice is assumed to be a man with a feminine name, but she's a woman who looks masculine.
  • Double Subverted:
    • They then went back to conclusions, and named the baby, "Bob"/"Ashley".
    • ... so she wanted you to think, but her name really is Roberto.
  • Parodied:
    • The most womanly woman on Earth has the manliest name possible.
    • The most manly man on Earth has the girliest name possible.
  • Zig Zagged: A character, of whatever gender, has a lot of names. Some are male, some are female, but no one knows their real name... or their real gender.
  • Averted:
    • A woman gives birth to a baby girl. The baby is named, "Alice".
    • The baby is given a name that isn't normal for either gender.
  • Enforced: The show is trying to be progressive by having characters have names that go against gender roles.
  • Lampshaded:
    • "WHAT!? They named the baby girl 'Bob'!?"
    • "WHAT!? They named the baby boy 'Alice'!?"
  • Invoked:
    • The woman specifically names her daughter Bob because she wants the child to be mistaken for a boy. (or "Alice" for the boy)
    • The mother had a vision that their baby would grow up to be the opposite gender of their sex assigned at birth, so she gave them a name of the opposite gender just to be prepared.
  • Exploited:
  • Defied: The parents made sure that their baby's gender is confirmed before naming appropriately.
  • Discussed: "I know those two wanted a son/daughter, but apparently the doctor said the baby's going to be a girl/boy. Think they'll name their daughter/son 'Bob'/'Alice' or something?"
  • Conversed: "Ha ha. A baby on TV is named "Bob"/"Alice". And it's a girl/boy. Ha ha."
  • Played For Drama: The boy is seriously beaten up or tormented because of his name.

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