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Playing With / Gay Conservative

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Basic Trope: A gay person with typical American conservative political leanings.

  • Straight: Mike is a conservative Gay Republican in a pretty liberal leaning city and state, confusing his friends (of all backgrounds) who thought he'd be a progressive Democrat based on LGBT voting patterns.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Mike is a hard-right nationalist Republican on practically all issues so as long he believes they won't negatively affect him. Even his conservative friends tell him to maybe take up a left leaning policy.
    • Mike is a self-described reactionary who thinks the GOP is borderline Marxist.
  • Downplayed:
    • Mike is an independent, but mostly votes Republican.
    • Mike is pretty socially progressive, but his staunchly fiscally conservative and thus prefers to vote Republican.
    • Mike is left leaning on most fronts, but is generally a single issue voter on topics such as immigration, abortion and the idea of Political Overcorrectness. Since he believes Democrats won't budge on his core issue, he votes Republican.
  • Justified: Mike does not believe that Conservative Republican policies will harm him and other Blacks, arguing that policies such as controlled borders and free markets will increase their prosperity.
    • Mike just doesn't like the Democrats and believes they really don't care about black people.
    • Mike grew up in the 60's, where Democrats were a lot more openly hostile to black people.
    • Mike doesn't like black activism and sympathizes more with his white neighbors.
  • Inverted: Jason, who lives in a right-leaning city and state is a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant cis-het-male, the stereotype of the Republican core demographic, but is a staunch progressive democrat.
  • Subverted: Mike espouses some conservative beliefs, but still identifies as a progressive Democrat.
  • Double Subverted: Until he explores more right wing beliefs and becomes a Republican conservative for real.
  • Parodied: Mike rants on conservative right wing conspiracy radio stations whose far right members make a racially insensitive remark, which causes Mike to remind them that he's black, not that he cares about political correctness anyway.
    • Mike himself is a pretty normal person, but the sheer fact that he isn't a progressive-leaning Democrat bootlicker causes everyone around him to be completely awestruck. Other blacks call him a race traitor, mainstream news journalists proceed to label him a white supremacist neo-nazi, and the heads of white liberals explode trying to comprehend Mike's existence.
  • Zig Zagged: Mike is pretty conservative on some issues, but liberal on others too, who argues that both parties are the same, but mostly votes Republican anyway and attends their gatherings, but is very open about supporting certain Democrats he likes.
  • Averted: Mike is a staunch Democrat, warded out that someone would think he's a Republican.
    • The setting doesn't have the contemporary US political parties.
  • Enforced: The show Mike is a part of explores different demographics of different political parties, so exploring a Gay Republican is necessary.
  • Lampshaded: Other Republicans mention their surprise at seeing an African American member among their ranks, as the only People of Color that vote for the party are right wing East Asians and Latinos.
  • Invoked: Mike is running for office and isn't a left winger, so thus takes up conservative politics as a passionate Republican.
  • Exploited: Mike is paraded around the city by the local Republican party to desperately attract more LGBT voters.
  • Defied: Mike is an active opponent of the local Republican party.
  • Discussed: Mike's friends talk about how in most political dramas, he'd be designated a traitor for being a black conservative Republican.
  • Conversed: "There's always this one Black Republican around that wishes Reagan was the first Black President instead."
  • Implied: Mike is seen wearing a shirt of Ronald Reagan or some other famous right-wing Republican President.
    • Mike openly scoffs at Democrats or progressive characters, but never actually states his own politics.
  • Deconstructed: Mike is despised by some republicans for being gay and the gays for being republican.
    • Mike often doesn't feel welcome in most conservative communities with how often they tend to at best downplay struggles that black and queer people face, if not are actively hostile to him for being black and gay. Similarly, he often faces scrutiny from fellow black and queer people for holding viewpoints typically held by people known to be less than supportive, if not outright hostile, towards people of color or the LGBTQ community.
  • Reconstructed: Mike is disgusted by the idea that Gays have to vote Democrat, viewing it as another stereotype. He goes out of his way to show why right wing policies are beneficial to himself, LGBT, and all of America.
    • Mike votes for independent parties instead.
  • Played For Laughs: Mike is the only example the local Republican party can point to for diversity in their ranks.
  • Played For Drama: Mike runs for office as a Gay Republican, and has to find a way of not being a "traitor" to his Community while standing up for what he believes in.
