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Playing With / Five-Man Band

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Basic Trope: A group of five characters, often the main ones, whose dynamics within the group are heavily explored.

  • Straight: Alice, Bob, Carol, Dave, and Faye form a team to protect the Earth from aliens. The series explores all of their bonds, contrasting personalities, and roles within the team thoroughly.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: While there are multiple other characters around who form bonds with the main team, these only serve as a backdrop to the core five, who get much more of the attention.
  • Justified: There's safety in numbers, and they only have five Macguffins that will let people fight.
  • Inverted: The series focuses on five characters who, while they have important roles in a wider story, don't interact that much.
  • Subverted: The team is set up to form in the first episode, but Alice backs out immediately, seemingly never having a reason to rejoin.
  • Double Subverted: The team is about to form, but Alice backs out immediately, only for George to enter and take her place. He soon finds himself quite at home, forming bonds with the other four.
  • Parodied: There are multiple other members around, who are all important members of the team. However, Alice only ever talks about the main five, annoying them to no end.
  • Zig Zagged: Members join and leave the team frequently, and some even form their own teams, resulting in a lot of ambiguity as to who the main five are, or if there even is one.
  • Averted: There are five main characters, but they don't form a close-knit team of five.
  • Enforced: The executives want a nice variety of characters, but they don't want too many heroes. Thus, they conclude that five is the best number.
  • Lampshaded: "No matter what, you'll always find five heroes to save the day."
  • Invoked:
  • Exploited: The team is actually huge, and filled with named characters. However, Alice puts herself and four others up front to help hide this fact from the villains.
  • Discussed: "We need one more hero. They say five is the perfect number."
  • Conversed: "Why do you think there's always five main guys in TV shows? Do the writers count the characters up on their fingers or something?"
  • Implied: A group of five individuals are seen together, but no clues as to position are ever given.
  • Deconstructed: A team consisting of only five members can always get overwhelmed by large numbers of enemies. Conservation of Ninjutsu can't carry them forever, and they get defeated quickly.
  • Reconstructed: The team know that they can always get overwhelmed, or have gaps in their knowledge, without outside help, so they agree to get outsiders to help them from time-to-time, while sticking together for trustworthy allies.
  • Played For Laughs: The team is a five-man clown troupe, working together and using their contrasting skills and personalities to get the best laughs.
  • Played For Drama: Each episode puts a member or so of the team in real danger, and showcases the relationships through pent-up tension and fear, but still shows their strong bond in that they work together to save their teammates from certain danger.

Go back to Five-Man Band and remind them that they all have their roles to play.
