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Playing With / Face of a Thug

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Basic Trope: A normal person looks horrifying at first.

  • Straight: Everyone assumes Virgil is a brutish monster because of his menacing appearance, but he's actually a swell guy.
  • Exaggerated: People run screaming from Virgil and especially his warped and mangled anatomy, even though he's rescued millions of people from dying.
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
    • Virgil does his best to work off the image his face gives him - no matter what it takes.
    • Virgil is a Reformed Criminal.
    • Virgil is a veteran, as the scars on his face were inflicted in the Hell that is War.
    • Virgil has Asperger Syndrome and his default expression unintentionally comes off as menacing to others.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: Virgil seems friendly enough when introduced, despite his unfortunate face, but it's soon apparent that he's a hardened mobster.
  • Double Subverted:
  • Parodied: The villain tries to recruit Virgil and use him as a weapon of intimidation. Virgil, naturally, isn't amused.
  • Zig-Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Virgil looks normal, or maybe even beautiful.
  • Enforced: The author's been commissioned to write a story about how first impressions aren't always right.
  • Lampshaded: "God, it looks like Frankenstein's Monster playing with a bunch of kittens!" "I wish you wouldn't call me an 'It'."
  • Invoked: Virgil tries to present himself as this for a Wounded Gazelle Gambit.
  • Exploited:
    • Dante uses Virgil's intimidating appearance to spread bad rumours about him, in an attempt to ruin his reputation.
    • As much as Virgil abhors violence, he's not above using his intimidating looks to get people to back down instead of fight.
  • Defied: Virgil gets plastic surgery to look better.
  • Discussed: "Damn bro, you look like you went to hell and back!"

Back to Face of a Thug. And don't mind the main page's intimidating appearance; It's about as friendly as a puppy.
