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Playing With / Double Play

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Basic Trope: One player plays both players in a two-player game by using two controllers.

  • Straight: Bob controls both Player 1 and Player 2 in Heroes of Troperia.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob controls eight in-game players.
    • Bob enters a 2v2 tournament, which consists of him playing Player 1 and Player 2 on the same controller, while Alice plays both Player 3 and Player 4 on the other team.
  • Downplayed: One of the players has a relatively small role, only being an assistant.
  • Justified: Bob is testing the input-handler, controlling both himself means the test can't be contaminated by communication errors between him and the player 2 tester.
  • Inverted: Two players share one controller, controlling different aspects of the player.
  • Subverted: It turns out that Player 2 is actually controlled by a CPU.
  • Double Subverted: But Bob has manual control of both Player 1 and Player 3.
  • Averted: Both in-game players are controlled by a separate person.
  • Lampshaded: "Are you really controlling both players at once? The game was designed for two players instead of one."
  • Invoked:
    • Bob does this as a Self-Imposed Challenge to make the game more difficult.
    • Bob is playing on a team of four, but one of the members couldn't make it in time. One of his teammates suggests that he control two characters instead.
  • Defied: The game only allows one controller to be plugged in at a time.
  • Conversed: "I wonder if this game will let me play both characters at once."
  • Played for Laughs: Bob ends up getting into a competitive battle against himself.
  • Played for Drama: Bob needing to play both characters shows how lonely and isolated he is, since nobody else wants to play with him.

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