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Playing With / Aesoptinum

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Basic Trope: Applied Phlebotinum that only exists to teach An Aesop.

  • Straight: To teach the Drugs Are Bad Aesop, Alice gets addicted to a made-up drug.
  • Exaggerated: There are made-up drugs to teach Drugs Are Bad, made-up animals to teach Green Aesop, the list goes on.
  • Downplayed: The made-up drug (and Alice's addiction to it) are used, with the Aesop as the subplot and getting Alice back to normal as the main plot.
  • Justified: This world doesn't have drugs as we know them.
  • Inverted: A land full of made-up things uses one or more things from our world to teach Aesops.
  • Subverted: Alice gets hooked on a made-up drug ... but it's not to teach an Aesop.
  • Double Subverted: Then Bob preaches to the viewers not to do drugs.
  • Parodied:
    • The drug is called Aesoptus Moralia.
    • Aesoptus Moralia is just an alternate name for heroin, which many characters point out despite Bob's insistence on the made-up name.
  • Zig-Zagged: Alice gets addicted to a made-up drug. Sometimes the plot involves getting Alice un-addicted, sometimes they focus on something else entirely, and other times it gets all preachy and Anvilicious.
  • Averted: Nothing is made up solely to teach An Aesop.
  • Enforced: It's a kids' show and they don't want to show real-world drugs.
  • Lampshaded: "It's as though this drug was made up just to teach us that Drugs Are Bad or something."
  • Invoked: Carol makes the drug and gets Alice addicted to get her to learn about addiction the "hard" way.
  • Exploited: Dave sells potions which make you un-addicted along with the drugs, with a sign saying "GET ADDICTED, LEARN THAT ADDICTION IS BAD, THEN GET UN-ADDICTED FOR HALF PRICE".
  • Defied: Alice already knows that illegal drugs are illegal for a good reason and eschews using them.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "Did the writers just make that up for the sake of preaching An Aesop?"
  • Implied: The Aesop might be real or it might be an Accidental Aesop.

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