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Playing With / Accidentally Real Fake Address

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Basic Trope: A character makes up a fake name, address, phone number, or other form of identification, and it turns out that there is actually a person/thing with that identification.

  • Straight: Alice makes up the name "Gloria Troperson" after Emperor Evulz forces her to identify herself. It turns out that there really is a person with that name.
  • Exaggerated: Alice makes up the fake name "Fake Fakington", gives her address as "1234 Fake Lane", and her phone number as a repeated string of fives. There actually is someone with those exact identifications.
  • Downplayed: There is a "Gloria Troper", but not a Gloria Troperson.
  • Justified:
    • Alice had no time to check local phone books to see if anyone else in her area had that name.
    • The Fake ID Alice made up came from her subconscious, not her imagination. Gloria was her kindergarten teacher.
  • Inverted: Alice names a real person and address, but then they immediately move away.
  • Subverted: Alice names "Gloria Troperson", and Evulz says "Hey... wait a minute!" We think this means that Gloria Troperson is a real person, but he simply mentions that he has a friend named Gloria, instead.
  • Double Subverted: And "Troperson" is Evulz' friend's middle name.
  • Parodied: Alice gives her own identifications to Emperor Evulz and is surprised when he finds her anyway.
  • Zig-Zagged: A character with the name "Gloria Troperson" is actually called Mrs. Gloria Troperson-Fakington Esquiress, where "Gloria" is her middle name. It took her four guesses to get it right.
  • Averted: Alice never gives any fake identification.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: "Wait, I just made that up on the spot! You mean Gloria Troperson is a real person?"
  • Invoked: Someone named Gloria changes her legal last name to "Troperson" and knows that Alice will accidentally tell her name when Emperor Evulz comes, because Gloria has something for Evulz...
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz wanted to Kick the Dog by making Alice mention one person to assault.
  • Defied: Alice knows better than to make up a name
  • Discussed: "How likely do you think it is that I just called out a real person?"
  • Conversed: "I mean, considering how many people there are on the planet, there's gotta be someone named that."
  • Implied: When Emperor Evulz goes to Gloria Troperson's house, he tells her that Alice simply said her name.
  • Deconstructed: Alice tries again to make a fake identification, and she gets it right again, making her feel like there's no such thing as a fake person or a place.
  • Reconstructed: This means that the world is huge, and a large diversity of adventures await her, with so many addresses to visit, and a lot of phone numbers to try.
  • Played for Laughs: When they find out that "Gloria Troperson" exists, Emperor Evulz breaks into her house to to insult her name, only for her to shoot him.
  • Played for Drama: Emperor Evulz goes to Gloria Troperson's house and kills her - Alice realizes she was indirectly responsible for someone's death, and wonders My God, What Have I Done?
  • Played for Horror: Gloria Troperson was just the person Emperor Evulz needed to fulfill his ritual to become an Eldritch Abomination.

Back to Accidentally Real Fake Address... that placeholder name is real?!
