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Pantheon / Eternity Blessing

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The Eternity Blessing movement is dedicated to entities and guardians that represent life and nature themselves, and those within the movement will seek to ensure that others at the very least acknowledge their importance, and sometimes, demand respect as well. To be in this movement is to be confidently convicted in the belief that the gifts of the natural world are sufficient for a content lifestyle, with things like civilization and technology as unnecessary. A few in this movement would even claim that such technological creations, even mechanical life, have no place among them, which does bring ire from even the less hostile movements of the Machine Uprising.

Meridia, Daedric Prince of Lives Weighted Against the Greater Good (Merid-Nunda, Lady of Infinite Energies, Lady of Light, The Solar Daughter, The Glister Witch, Shining Bitch, The Groundskeeper, Daedra Lady of Greed)
