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Nightmare Fuel / You (2018)

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You like a little attention...
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In General

  • The fact that our protagonist takes They Look Just Like Everyone Else! to the very extreme. He's charismatic, intelligent, organized, and he has a lower bar for murder than most people. The worst part is that nobody realizes he's a monster until he's too late.
  • Joe's obsession with one particular woman each season is harrowing enough, but the way he switches from one quarry to another in the blink of an eye adds a whole extra level to it.

Season 1

  • The sheer number of times Joe manages to stalk Beck, invade her privacy, and break into her home, and she has no idea especially since almost everything he does without her realizing is eerily plausible.
  • Joe's smile at the end of the first episode. It's not a Slasher Smile; it's a wholesome boy-next-door smile.
  • Joe's very first murder, when he causes Benji to have an allergic reaction that suffocates him.
    • Earlier than that, Benji tries appealing to his human nature by saying Joe doesn't want to kill people. Joe narrates, "Who wants to kill people?" This means that Joe attacking people isn't some exciting thing that gets him off. He sees it as a necessity, like doing the dishes or taking out the trash.
  • Peach continuously gaslighting and manipulating Beck, coming just short of raping her so that she could get what she wants.
  • Joe's nightmare where he sees Candice making out with Elijah, who is then revealed to be missing half of his face (we later learn this is because Joe pushed him off a ledge to his death).
  • The scene where Beck pokes around and finds all of Joe's Creepy Souvenirs, including her old phone, Candace's old necklace, a used tampon, and Benji's teeth. Her growing horror and realization is palpable. Especially when he comes back and she's Alone with the Psycho.
  • The nightmare fuel goes into overdrive once Beck realizes Joe has been stalking her, which leads to her getting kidnapped, seeing Joe's true nature and eventually killed.
  • The whole "did he/didn't he" subplot around whether Joe did kill his ex. As it turns out, she's alive, but he thought he had accidentally killed her.

Season 2

  • You'd think that Joe is turning over a new leaf and is desperately trying to avoid what happened with Beck. Then, we see that he has already kidnapped someone in a recreation of his bookstore's glass box.
    • Cut to a recap of everything that had just transpired, revealing that absolutely nothing has changed.
  • Will owes money to a man named Jasper, who visits Joe. He's cheery and agreeable, but he chops off one of Joe's fingers without changing his demeanour.
    • When Joe isn't able to get him the money he needs, he drops the facade and straight-up tries to stab Joe. Naturally, Joe gains the upper hand, and we're treated to a nice sequence of him being fed into a meat grinder.
  • Henderson's sex dungeon, where he takes underage girls.
    • He planned on doing the very same to Ellie if Joe wasn't around to intervene.
  • We've known since Season 1 that Joe tried to kill Candace at one point. When we see it, it's like something straight out of a horror movie. He kidnaps her, ties her up in the back of his van and takes her to a lake in the middle of the forest. When she tries to run away, he chases her down and knocks her to the ground. Believing he accidentally killed her, he buries her alive.
  • Delilah's death. Joe decides he wants to free her, and he finds her lying in a pool of her blood with a Slashed Throat.
  • Candace's death, at the hands of Love. It turns out that Love has been a monster this whole time too.
  • At the end of it all, Joe notices that his neighbour is a young woman with an appetite for literature. Even though he'd had an epiphany about his actions and resigned himself to being Love's husband, Joe still cannot kick his habit and will likely torment this poor woman to both her and his new family's detriment. For added Fridge Horror, the equally-psychotic Love is unlikely to take any of this lying down.
    See you soon... neighbor.
  • Love Quinn and Joe Goldberg are going to be parents. That poor kid probably doesn't have a chance.
    • Considering the way Joe treats women he "love" and reacts to other men/women so much as breathing in their vicinity, one can only imagine how he's going to be around his unborn son, especially when he reaches his teens. He's going to take the Knigh Templar Parent act to a whole new level, especially given he never had any problems stalking and killing people in his life before.

Season 3

  • Joe and Love exhuming Natalie’s rapidly decomposing corpse, with Joe already having removed her teeth to avoid her being ID’d by her dental records.
  • Henry's bout with the measles, particularly Joe's fever dream in which Henry dies and Love's devastated reaction.
  • After Forty's death, Love has a habit of texting his phone to vent or ask for advice. One day when Love is in a drunken stupor, he responds. However, this leads to a very heartwarming Imagine Spot.
  • Joe's murder of Ryan Goodwin. He first shoves Ryan off a balcony and when he notices he's still alive, walks down to finish the job. When Ryan tries to call his bluff, Joe removes his mask and stabs him four times in the chest. While this is extremely satisfying seeing what an Asshole Victim Ryan is, it's also terrifying in how violent and personal it is, and how it's Joe's first premeditated murder since Beck.
  • While Love's death is bloodless and well-deserved, the way it's shot is unsettling, with Joe remorselessly gloating to her as she cries and moans in pain in the floor being similar to a rape scene. Joe also states that Love was in "total fucking agony" from the wolfsbane he injected into her.

Season 4

  • Joe's breakdown and disposal of Malcom's body; easily the most gore heavy of the show's history (plus nudity). The over the top pop song creates an uncomfortable dichotomy playing up the nausea.
  • Joe's torture and murder of Rhys. Luckily whatever Joe does to his balls isn't seen, but Rhys' screams of pain are chilling.
  • The Reveal that Joe kidnapped Marienne and put her in another one of his cages leads to a How We Got Here episode told from Marienne's point of view. We get to see Joe without his own self-serving filter and he's positively unnerving, having random mood swings and staring off into the distance as he presumably has one of his inner monologues. Then he suddenly starts calling himself Johnathan Moore and later expresses no memory of his treatment of Marienne, at which point you know he's reached a new level of insanity.
  • Adam's death. As he is about the undergo the BDSM session, his dominatrix invites in two men. One sets a radio to play loud heavy metal music and the other sets knives down. While his death isn't physically seen, it certainly wasn't painless.
  • The ending. As Nadia leaves Joe’s apartment, Joe confronts her and deletes the photos she took inside. She then finds the corpse of her boyfriend and Joe plants a bloody knife in her hands, gloating that he framed her for murder and no one will believe her. The poor girl can do nothing but cry as police arrive to arrest her.
