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Nightmare Fuel / Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song

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Spoilers Off applies to all Nightmare Fuel pages, so all spoilers are unmarked. You Have Been Warned!

  • The series starts with cheerful people at Nia Land Amusement park, families and kids. Within what seems like five minutes, it descends into bloody violence and carnage, with the Dissonant Serenity of the A.I.s making everything extremely unnerving. Special mention goes to the assistant asking if she can help a woman while crushing her skull, and the singer on the Main Stage performing her routine while her audience is being killed.
  • What happened to Ophelia. The original Ophelia was overwritten by her partner and manager, Antonio, who decided to fulfill her mission for her. He piloted her body for years and committed suicide through her in the original timeline. Worse is Antonio's realization that part of the reason he did it was because he only wanted her to sing for him and that Ophelia had no idea what he was going to do to her.
  • The ending of episode 10. The AI uprising that Vivy spent a century trying to prevent happens anyway. Adding to this the rampaging AIs are singing Vivy's song in eerie distorted unison, as some sort of anthem, while maintaining completely calm faces devoid of any emotion as they proceed to slaughter humans. God help you once you see this scene and hear the singing. It's like they actually raped and corrupted the song itself. You'll never be able to enjoy it anymore.
  • The reveal of who is behind the AI war. The Archive, the sum collective memory access of all A.I.s, which decided that humans had become obsolete, and must be replaced by A.I.s that can emulate humans. What’s even more horrifying is that it was inspired by seeing Vivy compose a song, proving A.I.s could be capable of human creativity.
