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Nightmare Fuel / The Vampair

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The staff has a new master now...
Episode 1: The Night
  • The Duke turning into ash when Missi hits him towards the sunlight and her evil grin as she becomes the new wielder of the staff and turns into a vampire, giving one hell of a Nightmare Face (as pictured above)
Episode 3: Resurrection
  • Missi has become even more powerful with the staff, even frightening the Duke when she summons a huge shadow version of herself to attack him.
Episode 4: The Silent
  • Throughout the whole song, Missi seems to be slowly losing her sanity as she hallucinates little monsters crawling around her, trying to kill her and even eating her.
    • She sees the shadow of the Duke every time she mentions "the night".
  • Missi tosses staff away and looks petrified with fear as she stares at her trembling hands and sheds a few tears. For the first time since The Night, she's human again and looks terrified. She even makes to slowly leave the mansion, grabbing her old things, putting her hair up and wearing her glasses again. However, the staff seems to have an even more powerful hold on her as she sees the Duke still outside and angrily storms back to the staff to grab it and turn into a vampire again.
Episode 6: The Showdown
  • After Missi's Wardrobe Malfunction, her red eyes glow a brighter red as she death glares at a scared-out-of-his-mind Duke.
  • Duke poking out Missi's eye with the cane - we as humans typically like to have our eyes intact, so the blood gushing from her eye socket is awful to look at.
  • Missi getting Duke back by chopping off his right thumb with the axe he's been using to attack her with. The look of pain on his face doesn't help a lot with seeing his hand bleeding a lot.
Season 2, Episode 4: A Good Song Never Dies
  • The battle between the vampires and werewolves is probably the most straight-up gory the series has gotten to this point, as the vampires mercilessly butcher their enemies, with entrails, guts, and copious amounts of blood flying everywhere. Small wonder that even Duke abandons the group in disgust at the end.
