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Nightmare Fuel / Texhnolyze

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Given that this is among Chiaki Konaka's darkest works to date, there's plenty of Nightmare Fuel bound to happen. Here are the ones that take the cake.

  • Probably one of the most disturbing moments is when we get a glimpse into the process of making one of the Shapes. He just keeps smiling.
  • The Shapes show up again as a source of Nightmare Fuel at the end: they have grown strange metallic roots out of their feet, and they still keep smiling.
  • Ichise getting one of his legs and arms cut off in retaliation for having used his fists against a woman who stuck her nail in his eye during sex.
  • Kano. A mentally disturbed Psychopathic Manchild whose always been this way since childhood.
  • Everything about the ending. Everyone dies, and is rather horrific ways. Ichise reaches the surface only to discover that the human race has faded out of existence out of sheer despair. Doc is implied to commit suicide and becomes one of the ghosts that now inhabit the surface. Ran is captured by Kano and subjected to a Fate Worse than Death so horrible that she destroys her own mind by commanding Onishii to destroy the obelisk. Everybody dies. Onishii is gunned down by hundreds of machine guns en masse. Ichise snaps when he discovers what Kano has done to Ran and punches his head clean off his body. Everybody dies. Without the obelisk to power their Texhnolyze parts, the Shapes are frozen in place forever unable to move. Ichise finally slumps against a wall and gives up while staring at a projection of a flower. Then he dies.
