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Nightmare Fuel / Suspiria (2018)

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And they say dancing is supposed to make you more flexible.

Oh, Mother.

Dario Argento's original may be a nightmarish trip to behold, but it's tame compared to Luca Guadagnino's lengthier, fleshier reimagining.



  • The multiple bizarre Nightmare Sequences that Susie has.
  • Olga's horrific torture is just about this movie's Signature Scene. Each Sickening "Crunch!" alone is enough for some to walk out of screenings. Word of God asserts that the CGI in this sequence is close to zero.
    • It gets so bad after a while that Olga starts to uncontrollably vomit and urinate from the pain while still contorting.
    • Worse still, Olga isn't quite dead. A later scene shows her to be horridly twisted, but still breathing. Worse yet the witches carry her away with silver hooks that they carve into her.
  • Sara getting caught in a hole in the ground just before Volk, graphically breaking her leg, and then appearing midway through the dance with that fracture not even hampering her performance. You will NEVER think of the phrase "break a leg" the same way again.
  • THE LAST THIRTY MINUTES OF THE MOVIE. I dare you to find the words to spoil it.
    • The simple three words said by Susie to Helen, when Death appears: "I am she".
  • Susie in the back half of the movie. You read it right, Susie. You met 1977's Suzy, the Delicate and Sickly heroine who was kept sick to avoid saving the day, prepare to meet 2018's Susie, the Mother of Sighs herself.

Posters, promotional photos and fan art

  • This poster by Sara Deck, featuring the Mother who channels vibes a la Ringu.
  • Somewhere among your image search results for this movie, you see pictures of Dakota Johnson. Somewhere among those pictures of Dakota Johnson you see that one NSFW pic of her literally opening herself up.
  • When Suspiria first started out on Twitter, its icon was just a big fat S. Which then became part of a multicolor, multi-font logo that looked more comedic than terrifying. And then came the eyes of the stars of the movie, splattered in blood.


  • Parts of Thom Yorke's score count. If you're one of those who just came for the music, and/or if you're one of those looking for Goblin-esque gimmickry, forget being disappointed. You may probably not even sleep the night after.
  • Lutz Ebersdorf. His portrayal of Dr. Klemperer seems interesting and sympathetic especially for some who interpret the movie as a demonization of collective feminine power. But when you look at him closely, And then you realize it's actually Tilda Swinton.
