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Nightmare Fuel / Spies in Disguise

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Lance's Daydream Surprise when Walter was droning on about the facts of being a pigeon, where he kills Walter by ejecting him out of the plane with one press of a button. Even the Evil Laugh Lance does at the end of his Daydream Surprise (complete with red lighting) would unease or scare some viewers.
    Lance Sterling: FACT! You should've kept your seatbelt on! (presses the Eject button, ejecting Walter out of the plane; he does an Evil Laugh just before his Imagine Spot ends)
  • Killian whenever he appears. It shows in contrast that the rest of the film is comedy driven, when he shows up in his scenes it becomes sudden Mood Whiplash. Case in point, one of his scenes has him actually killing a scientist by dropping him over jagged rocks, remembering that he would let him go.
    • His drone heist in Venice has him fire on Marcy's squad as they attempt to stop him from stealing the database, with lethal force. Marcy had handcuffed and pinned Walter outside to handle his interrogation later, but you can hear her freaking out on seeing he's free and running towards the drone to try and stop it. Walter can only reassure her that "we" will get it back before amending it to "I".
    • The scene where he pins down Walter in Venice after the latter nearly escapes with the database but crashed the scooter he commandeered. As far as Killian knew, Walter was a goofball teen getting in over his head. Then he hears Walter calling for Lance and realizes the kid must be connected to the spy. So he presses his foot harder on Walter's face, while brandishing his claw and demanding for "Sterling" to come out, or he will slice Walter to pieces. From the way the claw comes close, he's not bluffing. Walter can't reach his gadgets, and for a brief moment all he can do is call for help. And worst of all, Lance is trapped in some wire from the scooter, keeping him from flying to Walter's aid, and all he can do is scream Walter's name. Fortunately, he has gluten-free breadcrumbs, which make the perfect distraction.
    • And then there's the part where he shows Lance what happened to him in Kyrgyzstan. All the agency's weapons raining down on him gave him an appearance worthy of The Terminator!
      • He becomes more terrifying when you consider that nothing is actually said to indicate that Killian was the leader of the crew in Kyrgyzstan. He may well have been a low-tier goon, a janitor, or a tech guy in his former crew. If so, he only became the threat he did specifically because of Lance's take no prisoners approach. Due to Lance's actions, a nobody rose to become a far greater threat than the one that Lance originally defeated. Before, Killian needed to be part of a crew to be a threat, but after Kyrgyzstan, he's become an One-Man Army capable of wiping out the H.T.U.V in a few well-calculated moves.
  • The ending has Lance and Walter wonder what they were gonna do now that they've been fired...and then, without any warning whatsoever, they get captured. Luckily, it was only the H.T.U.V. looking to rehire them, but it's pretty sudden for an optimistic moment.
