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Nightmare Fuel / Jojo Rabbit

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  • The scene where Jojo finds out about Elsa's presence is tense and played as scary from his point of view, making it almost seem like something straight out of a horror film.
  • As the war continues, more and more children are brought into the war effort to bolster the German numbers. It's very clear that they are desperately losing, and that the children will stand no chance against the armed forces of other countries. What's worse, supplies are so low that Jojo's friend Yorki has to wear a uniform made out of paper, which will offer zero protection against anything.
  • The Gestapo. For the first time, the film plays nothing about the Nazis for laughs. They come very close to finding out about Elsa, and she and Jojo know it.
  • Hitler's appearance after the Gestapo search is the one time he gets really and truly angry with Jojo, and launches into a tirade that is remarkably close to the actual Hitler's speeches. Up until this point Hitler has been speaking in Waititi's usual cheerful, high-pitched tenor, but as Jojo listens to him rant, his voice actually distorts until it sounds like it could be coming from behind a microphone in front of a roaring audience. It's the first time Jojo sees Hitler for what he truly is: a raving, power-hungry, violent megalomaniac.
    "I am beginning to question your loyalty to myself and the party. You call yourself a patriot, yet where is the evidence?! The German soldier was born out of necessity — Germany depends on the passion of these young men, passion and a readiness to fall for the fatherland, despite the futile efforts of Allied war profiteers who send their ill-prepared armies clumsily into the lair of the wolf, and only zealous men who stand steadfast in the face of the enemy will be etched in German memory forever! But it is up to you to decide if you want to be remembered or disappear without a trace like a pitiful grain of sand into a desert of insignificance! To put it plainly: get your shit together and sort out your priorities. You're 10, Jojo. Start acting like it."
  • Fräulein Rahm in the battle for the town, even if she's intended for Black Comedy, sending children straight at Allied soldiers as suicide bombers with live grenades stuck to their backs. She yanks a jacket off of a clearly dead (and ghastly looking) fallen soldier or militiaman who's lying there, and puts it straight on Jojo to pointlessly send him into the meat-grinder next. At least she immediately gets an Uncertain Doom for a Karma Houdini Warranty when she charges off with a machine gun and a shell goes off right in the area where she just ran.
  • When Germany is overtaken, Jojo is rounded up by the Soviets and marched off to be executed. It's only because Klenzendorf fake-attacked him that they mistakenly assume Jojo is Jewish and thus not a Nazi. Jojo is shoved aside, but attempts to rush back in so he can save Klenzendorf. He stops short just as the gunfire starts, a look of terror on his face.
  • Hitler's final appearance, after Jojo has heard that the real Hitler blew his brains out. He's dishevelled, off-colour, and has blood all over himself from two holes in his head. In stark contrast to his earlier Cool Uncle demeanor, he enters by abruptly stumbling into Jojo's room like a drunkard and slamming the door, all the while snarling and cursing threateningly at him in a manner more reminiscent of an abusive father.
