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Nightmare Fuel / Fatal Frame

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  • Right at the cover of the American release: Based On A True Story! Well, not really, but the mansion in the game is based off of an actual mansion in Japan that is supposed to be haunted.
  • The very concept of the Rope Shrine Maiden and her duty. She is tied down to a stone altar by her wrist, ankles and neck; then the priests begin to savagely tear her apart by pushing the huge wooden devices around the central slab. Lastly, they take the ropes stained with her blood to ensure a continued seal on the Hell Gate in the mansion's deep, cavernous underbelly.
  • The Blind Maiden ritual, which requires the victim to be forced to wear a mask with spikes in the eyes.
  • The audio tapes found are unsettling, despite the lacking voice acting, simply because the robotic-sounding voices are so off.
    • Tomoe Hirasaka's tapes do have a saving grace, however. Because she has a sixth sense and could already see ghosts, listening to her tapes carefully reveals their disembodied voices talking in the background. The first one asks her to "save us"... And later, Tapes 2 through 4 are all either cursing her or saying she's already doomed.
  • What happened to the people who headed to Himuro Mansion: all ended up suffering horrible and gruesome deaths. And this includes the people who were in Himuro Mansion prior to the Calamity.
  • During the Final Night, Miku can revisit the Abyss area and take a Hidden Ghost photo, which is labeled "Kirie's Love". From the previous flashbacks in the game, we learn that the unnamed man the Big Bad once loved looks like Miku's brother Mafuyu. Basically, the player gets to see the face of Miku's brother with blood dripping from his mouth and a vacant dead expression on his face.
  • Several of the ghosts encountered throughout the Mansion:
    • Broken Neck Woman, who haunts the mansion by floating backwards. Her head flops over and is constantly staring at you upside-down.
    • Long Arms, because of his freakishly long arms. He inhabits the mansion by shambling around in a crouched position and only lifts himself up for an attack. Then there are his victims...
    • Crawling Girl. She was pulled under the tatami in the Doll Room by Long Arms, who strangled her beneath the house. She now haunts the Doll Room, crawling on the floor and paralyzing the player with her scream.
    • Girl In The Well. Long Arms' second victim was pulled into the large stone well in the garden and drowned. Half of her body is horribly disfigured and bloody from being dragged across stone.
    • Boy Hiding. Long Arms pulled him into the grandfather clock and strangled him.
    • The Blind Demon, or simply "Blinded". A sacrificial maiden that had the Blinding Mask put upon her. Said mask has spikes in the eyes that were forced through hers. She now roams the mansion screaming "My eyes! My eyes!" and bleeding from the sockets.
    • Lord Himuro. He's a sadistic samurai donning the Hannya Mask, who was driven insane by the Calamity and proceeded to slaughter and behead everyone in the manor, house guests and staff alike, before finally committing suicide out of guilt. And fighting him is just as horrifying, with his soulless eyes; the eery Hannya mask on his face; the four monks he sends after you and his way of attacking: unlike most ghosts, he doesn't try to grab you. He'll just cut you into ribbons with his katana.
