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Nightmare Fuel / Distortion Nuzlocke

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  • Everything related to Johnny's father, especially when he tries to hurt his son.
  • The death of Johnny's pet rat/Rattata. It's crushed beneath Blue's boot.
  • Johnny's increasing Sanity Slippage and madness, as well as his increasing use of violence against others.
  • Blue revealing where Johnny is after he just escaped his dad.
    Johnny: He's going to kill me...
    Blue: (smirking with satisfaction) I know.
  • Mr. Fangen chasing Johnny down and nearly killing him with a shovel. When Johnny escapes, he knocks him off his bike, calls an ambulance, and waits in the hospital for him to recover—and the paramedics think it's out of concern for him.
    • His face on Page 86. Several readers were scared by it.
  • The panel layout of Page 88, shaped like a needle.
  • Mr. Fangen used Mean Look.
  • Mr. Fangen killing Johnny's mother for standing up to him and fighting back. Worse still, he immediately tries to rationalize that it was Johnny's fault somehow.
