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Nightmare Fuel / Dance in the Vampire Bund

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  • The other three pure-born vampires' plans for Mina. As the only pure-blood female and the Progenitor, only she can give birth to another pure-blood, and can only give birth once. Their plan is to find a way to artificially age her — or just wait until she grows up — and rape her until she gives birth. Assuming it's a male heir, he'll repopulate the species. Assuming she gives birth to a daughter, they'll just artificially age her and continue on until they get the Y chromosome they want. That's before they find out about her "true form". The anime adds to this There is another Progenitor female, a "sister" to Mina, carefully kept hidden from EVERYONE. Problem is, she's also the leader of Telomere. which explains why the vampires in Telomere aren't under Mina's control. Ain't politics grand?
  • The "chastity test".
    "It's a farce, and nobody is laughing".
  • The vampire attack in the church. The nun is literally hurled into the pack of vampires to be sucked dry. Even worse? She wasn't just being eaten.
  • Chapter 41 of the manga. Poor Angie.
  • Ivanovic's true form.
