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Headscratchers / Dance in the Vampire Bund

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  • How the heck did the pure-blood vampires race sustain until now? A female pure-blood can only gives birth once. Assuming 50% male/female proportion, their population will be halved every generation. How does that even work? If they can just mate with infected human and still be called "pure-blood" they wouldn't need to use Mina. This make all that squicky Mina's marriage/rape thing pointless. If she finally gives birth to a boy, there will be no more pure-blood vampire after that. If it's a girl, the 50% extinction rate is just passed on to another generation. They are doomed anyway eventually.
    • It's actually been explained as such: the queen can literally only give birth to a female, due to the vampiric equivalent of God. Basically, Queen True Blood Vampire + True Blood Vampire = New Queen. However, Mina is the daughter of a normal vampire and she's still a True Blood Vampire, therefore, therefore it's actually Queen True Blood Vampire + Any Vampire = New Queen. The Queen can only give birth to females.
    • Yeah, it doesn't really make sense. If I had to guess, I would say that either there is or was some way of creating purebloods besides breeding (which might be how the vampire race got started to begin with), or the one child limit was some kind of recent mutation, and past generations didn't have that problem. It's also possible that it only applies to the Royal Family, and the nobility could have as many children as they wanted. So the Royal Family only having one child didn't become a problem until those three killed all the other purebloods.
    • Didn't they say, there use to be 100 clans or something until a civil war?
      • Less a civil war than a deliberate campaign of extermination, but yes.
    • Welll. First if we see it in a politic way, the marriage is more a way of have the entire vampire race in your control more than the inheritance or the pure-blood thing, which, by the way, if the tepes are at the top of the vampire's aristocracy, that implies that the mix with anyone of the 100 clans means it isn't pure blood anymore. second, even if they said that the females can only have one child, the males could breed with another woman. third, even if those three guys are the leaders of the three clans, their presentation was too vague to say they are, besides mina, the last pure blood vampires, it could perfectly mean that she had the obligation to marry one of them because they are the last male pure blood vampires. and forth, they are vampires, the time between birth and birth could by of centuries.
    • It's eventually revealed that the whole supposed clan system was a lie, that the heads of the 99 other clans were not actually pure bloods as they had all been originally humans, they were just stronger/purer than normal vampires and able to reproduce sexually. The only truly pure bloods were the queens and the original vampire (assuming he even really can be called a vampire).
  • I've only read part of volume 2 in the library, so I may have missed something, but if the school's rule is "All operations, except for finances and education, will be managed by the will of the students themselves," and this would normally allow the student council to keep Mina out, why does it matter that Mina's the one that made that rule? How's that give her the power to override the student council when the rule itself implies that she doesn't — that being the founder doesn't give her any authority outside of finances and education? I didn't see a mention of any rule saying the founder could make exceptions to the other rules. Lo bashamayim hi.
    • You're confusing it with real laws like national or state law, written to enforce everyone. This is just school rules created on the whim of its founder. It's more like a dictatorship's law since Mina alone own the place. She basically told them that the student body have that much power just because she said so and if they keep bugging her she can take it away as easily.
      • Yeah, it's because she said so, but why would that mean she could un-say so? It's not a matter of finances or education, so why does her position matter when the rule implies that it doesn't? Why would the rule — whoever created it, whatever power its creator has, whatever it was created for — not apply to her? Through its creation, she implicitly surrendered the authority to change it.
      • Okay, A: Her position matters because "the rule" has no authority behind it. It can't actually be enforced, because there is no law or system to enforce it, so it doesn't matter. Mina is the legal owner of the school, and if she decides that "the rule" doesn't apply to her, then there isn't a lot the students can do about it.
      • And B: The student council tries to keep Mina out anyway, but fail horribly when they get attacked by vampires. In the end, the point is moot, because even if challenging Mina would have been successful, any protests the students have towards the situation ends when the attack changes their minds.
    • Another issue: politics. Once you're forced to deal with the same people regularly, the official boundaries start meaning less than motivations. It may be the student council has the right to keep Mina from acting as a student (though they certainly can't bar her from the school itself), but that almost doesn't matter given how many things she can justifiably do as the school's head administrator their constituents will like even less. And as far as they knew, she'd have less to lose if things got ugly than any "real" school founder/career admin would. Meaning to invoke that rule and survive they first need to manage the perception of interested parties (student body, PTA equivalents, local press...) and get a popular mandate to oppose Mina, so their first action was to call an assembly. Things didn't get that far.
      • Incidentally, this is the real genius behind Mina writing that charter when she founded the school. It would have been obvious back then how many people and groups would oppose integrating vampires into the high school, and that she'd have more important things to do then deal full-time with that headache. By encouraging the growth of a unusually powerful student council committed to the school's and its own survival, she gave them the problem of dealing with all those groups at once and the experience to do so, condensing the voice of the opposition into something she could easily handle in her spare time.
  • This may be a problem with the translation i read, but when Angie is introduced, Akira refers to him as "Her" until he reveals his gender. That would've made sense if he thought of himself as a woman (which would've been interesting. Rarely do you see Transsexual characters in media unless its specifically about them), but as soon as the joke is over, Akira calls him "him". is this just a problem with the translation, or was it in the Japanese too? and, if it was in the Japanese, is there a reason other than Ruleof Funny?
    • Sounds like a translation issue. None of that in the official translations from Seven Seas so odds are that in the original Japanese Akira was using gender neutral pronouns and the translators were taking a guess.
  • So we eventually learn that all the vampire queens through history are actually clones produced by placing the eggs harvested from the original queen into subsequent ones so that they give birth to what is genetically their twin. This revelation destroys Rozenmann's sanity, but just how was it such a surprise? How was it kept secret from the various vampire clans that the queens never shared any features of their supposed fathers? DNA testing didn't exist back then so that helps, but still why was it only Mina's mother fell under suspicion for having gotten pregnant with an unknown person? This also raises the question of just what were the other female pure bloods, like Min-mei's mother, since she was clearly not a clone. Are other female pure bloods only nominally so, i.e. daughters of pure blood fathers regardless of who the mother was? Moreso, given the male pure bloods turned out to not actually be pure bloods, would this mean that Min-mei's mother was like them? i.e. the descendant of a human granted the a bit of "The True Ancestor's" power, since apparently these false/nominal pure bloods are still distinguishable from other vampires in that they can reproduce sexually?
