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Nightmare Fuel / Cowboy Bebop (2021)

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Spoilers off for moments pages. You Have Been Warned!

  • The effects of the Red Eye drug, turning whoever takes it into a psychotic, Ax-Crazy, Nigh-Invulnerable madman, complete with Red Eyes, Take Warning. Jet's face when Asimov is strangling him says it all.
  • The underground Red Eye lab, where naked people with their eyes sewn shut are (presumably) forced to make it. Who are they? Why are they down there? Knowing Vicious, the backstory can't be anything pleasant.
    • Then, when his underground operation is discovered by his bosses, Vicious simply slaughters them all with no warning.
  • The eco-terrorists may be idiots, but their spore bomb is no joke. It turns anything it touches into a tree, with predictable effects on the human body. Miss Cadena, the Corrupt Corporate Executive of the episode, suffers this fate in particularly gruesome fashion, ending with her face exploding in a bloody mess as branches sprout out of every part of her body.
  • Everything about Mad Pierrot and Earthland. The screaming clown heads and grotesque hippo statue don't help things.
    • Pierrot's fate; left to drift endlessly upwards until he dies of cold, lack of oxygen, or both.
  • The Rasputinian Death of the Neptune Cartel member Vicious targets. First he's hit by a car, then beaten to a pulp, then has his teeth pulled out one by one, before finally being set on fire.
