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Nightmare Fuel / Christopher Robin

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  • Christopher Robin getting himself lost deep in the 100 Acre Wood after his fight with Pooh makes the movie take a sudden turn into horror. Christopher believes there are Hefflalumps chasing after him, falls into a pit purposed to trap Heffalumps and gets knocked unconscious by a stray rock and almost drowns when the pit gets filled with rainwater, all while having a nightmare where a Heffalump appears in the water and drags him away with its trunk as he tries to escape it, all the while hearing voices that make it clear that this Heffalump is a metaphor for all of his all-too real troubles.
  • In the midst of correcting Pooh in how to say efficiency when Pooh had pronounced it as "a fish in the sea", Christopher turns around only to suddenly discover that Pooh has disappeared.
  • The World War II scenes, brief as they are, bring some serious Mood Whiplash to a franchise such as Winnie the Pooh.
  • When Pooh noticed all his friends were missing and went around looking for them, the 100 Acre Wood is seen having become extremely foggy with almost no music playing in the background. Pooh appears worried and confused, as if he's unsure why this is happening in the first place, you'd be forgiven for thinking he accidentally left his own neighborhood and took a wrong turn at Silent Hill.
