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Mythology Gag / lost in the infinite lights

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With this being a crossover series between Yu-Gi-Oh! and My Hero Academia, you can expect to find many tasteful references to the two franchises, their spin-offs and even the Abridged Series.

Let The Darkness Bring Us Into The Light
  • Yugi uses All Might's answer ("You can be a hero, Izuku") when his best friend asks him out of desperation.
  • Tokage is always in the company of three skinks with blue tails. A major parallel to Seto being in the company of three Blue Eyes White Dragons.
  • Ms. Chono is stated to melt her face whenever she becomes agitated; this is a reference to her Penalty Game from the manga.
  • In his younger years, Yuugi believed that Jii-chan had the power to conjure any card(s) he needed to win, just like Atem's special ability.
  • Tanaka-ba names her cats after classic Duel Monsters, one of which is named Winged Ra.
  • The name for the new kitten is Kuriboh.
  • Izuku claims that "his body moved on its own" when he saw Jounouchi and Yuugi fighting delinquents.
  • Jounouchi mentions how he can't put on his shoes without checking for scorpions after an incident involving a guy with an Arachnid themed Quirk. This is reference to one of the manga plots where the shoe merchant did a similar trick. Yami would encounter, and traumatize, the same person after Hirutani hires him.
  • After Yami's awakening, Izuku suggests naming him Atem or Dark Shadow.
  • One of Sugoroku's associates is known as Valentine-ba (as in Mai Valentine).
  • The Best Friend Squad mention having a run-in with Hirutani who attacked them with yo-yos.
  • Eraserhead owns a cat named Obelisk the Tormentor.
  • Chapter 13 is called "Mirror Wall" which references Mai's trap card and Yuugi building a functioning shield barrier.
  • The last chapter is called "Something you can show, but can't see", a reference to Jounouchi's riddle.
  • Seto Kaiba shows an interest in developing space exploration technology, just like in GX and Dark Side of Dimensions.

Shed Some Of This Black Light To Neighboring Towns

  • Yuugi mentions an article describing a lawsuit against Midnight's costume; a reference to the Vigilantes spin-off.
  • One of the Hero Commission members is named after Kazuki Takahashi.
  • Yuugi confuses Aknadin's name with Akhenaden (his name from the manga) and Aknamkanon (Atem's father from Ancient Egypt).
  • A customer of Villain Factory from the Vigilantes spin-off appears to antagonize the heroes in Chapter 3.
  • Yuugi tells Tanaka-ba about a dream involving a blue pyramid and a three headed dragon.
  • Izuku mentions how he rushed to save a little boy from a hero fight only to be chastised by the Pro Heroes for rushing in to save someone without a Quirk.
  • Rebecca is stated to have used her Animation Quirk to terrorize her grade school classmates with living plushies; an implied reference to her satanic teddy bear from the abridged series.
  • Bandit Keith still has his animosity for Pegasus but for different reasons.
  • Schroeder Corp is mentioned as another rival support company; Kaiba thinks of its CEO as an idiot and it's stated that he has a Rose themed Quirk.
  • Yuugi brings up Gran Torino pulling the "ketchup death" prank on him and Jounouchi when they went to visit him.
  • Melissa owns an orange tabby called Drunken Tiger.
  • Mokuba has a habit of drugging people's food.
  • Sugoroku assures Toshinori that anyone who sees a Quirk connection between him and Izuku will assume that they're father and son. A reference to their Fanon dynamic.
  • Juudai Yuuki has a Hawks sticker which Yuugi refers to as Wingman (like Juudai's Elemental Hero).
  • Ryota Kajiki and Insector Haga have Quirks and appearances based on their Duel Monster decks. Ryota resembles a living shark (and goes by his dub name "Mako") while Insector uses poisonous mukade (centipedes) to attack people.
  • Hawks calls Yuugi the 4Kids version of his surname "Moto".
  • Mako takes offense to two of the Eight Precepts calling him a "freaky fish guy".
  • Juudai grew up learning about the Shadow Realm.
  • Yuugi has his first meeting with Shadi which involves the two looking at a museum exhibit of a past historical figure, just like in the manga.
  • Instead of accusing Izuku of being All Might's secret child, Shouto believes Yuugi is his true son. Surprisingly, this counts as a Development Gag since arinrowan did initially plan to have Yuugi be All Might's son only to scrap it.
  • Seto is shown reading a philosophical book while in his Yuuei classroom, much like how Duel Monster Episode 1 showed him reading Also sprach Zarathustra.
  • Rishid Ishtar is shown working alongside the League of Villains which fits his canon alignment in the Duel Monsters anime.
  • Endeavor mentions Pop Step, from the Vigilantes spin-off, as a mediocre hero to intern under.
  • Nagare mentions how he Yuugi should be getting into trouble for buying porn for his classmates instead of uncovering controversial conspiracies. The porn part was an actual thing he and Jounouchi did in the early manga arcs.
