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Mommas Boy / Revenge Films

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In some episodes featuring an abusive mother-in-law as an antagonist, the FMC also has to face a husband who prioritizes his mom over her, either by ignoring the MIL's abusive behavior towards his wife, defending and justifying it while decrying his wife as too sensitive or weak, or even joining in on the abuse himself. Therefore, it warrants Revenge Films a Momma's Boy subpage.

  • During a live broadcast of the Happy Family Project, I sent out an SOS signal: Connor is always attached to his mom, even having her move into their house on the island. He even sided with her when she bullied her daughter-in-law Ashley.
  • During my wedding, my mother-in-law started making stupid demand: A groom came accompanied by his mom to his wedding and as the latter whipped out and read aloud a long list of requirements that amounted that the bride should be the groom's slave after marrying, he agreed with it nonchalantly.
  • My sister came home from her boyfriend’s house on the verge of death…: When Michelle’s boyfriend’s mom starts fake crying over how Michelle won’t eat her bread due to her allergy, her entire family flies into a frenzy, with the boyfriend force feeding Michelle the bread and nearly killing her, all while the mom watches the entire thing behind her hands with a smirk on her face.
  • Hospital “You’re daughter...!” Mother-in-law took my baby out without my permission: The FMC's husband took his mother Rose's side whenever the former called her out for kidnapping and nearly killing her daughter.
  • My husband tried to force me to take care of his abusive mother, so I divorced him: Geoff forced his wife Jean to look after his mother while he was away for work and even defended the old crone when Jean pointed out her abusive behavior towards her. Moreover, he waved divorce papers at Jean to cow her into submission, but she signed them while he was away for work and shipped all his belongings to his mother's house; the couple's actually belonged to her.
  • Mother-in-law moves In with us “If You Have A Problem, Leave!”: Mason defended his mom whenever his wife Christy refused to let her boss her around. When she understandably got mad at them for picking on her cooking, both mother and son kicked her out of the house.
  • Mother-in-law kept harassing me…: Ali's husband always defended his mom whenever Ali tried to point out her abusive behavior towards her whenever they came to his parents' house.
  • My husband cheated on me and wanted to get divorced… But I said "no": The OP's husband always believed his mom's lies about his wife, and even taking her side while witnessing the abuse.
  • Boyfriend treated me like crap…: Bob always talked to his mom even when going on dates with the OP, and even brought her along to their date. When his mom found out the OP was having her usual painful periods, she accused her of being a "slut" and he sided with her, leading to the OP breaking up with him. He still takes his mom's side when he got a new girlfriend a month after the breakup.
  • My mother-in-law almost killed me, but my husband didn't care at all!: OP's husband defended his mother when the OP talked about the MIL's abusive behavior towards her. Furthermore, he blamed her for "being so petty" towards his mom and even brought divorce papers to cow her into submission. However, she signs the papers and throws his stuff out behind his back.
  • Crazy mother-in-law stabs a guy to try to get to me: When Tanya told her husband about his mom's abusive and sexist behavior towards her, he sided with his mom and tried to convince her to stop working and have children as well. Even when his mother stabbed a random man thinking Tanya cheated on her son, he still defended her, blamed his wife for it, and asked to have the victim drop the charges.
  • "Husband doesn't appreciate his wife's efforts and complains to her parents...": The OP's husband always compared her cooking to his mom's ever since he found out she used leftovers for her dishes. When he complained about her to his mom, he found out she also used leftovers in her dishes, he just didn't know it at the time. This drove him to apologize to both his mom and his wife.
  • "My husband claims that his mother was the perfect housewife, so I asked for some advice...": Sarah's husband compared her to his mom because unlike her, his mom allegedly did housework and regular work at the same time whenever she complained about his refusal to assist her with the chores. However, when Sarah came to her mother-in-law's house for advice on how to become as efficient as her, it turns out the MIL wasn't as good at everything as her son thought; she wasn't that good at housework.
  • "Husband was a momma’s boy and always threatening to divorce me if I didn’t do it her way": Rachel's husband Thomas is an extreme example of this trope, as he not only forced her to do all the chores and childcare as he deemed it "a wife's job," even threatening with divorce whenever she protested. Moreover, he always prioritized his mom over her to such an extreme he even took her on a vacation and rubbed it on Rachel's face. Furthermore, he's such a mama's boy to the extreme he embezzled money from his dad's company just to take his mom out on vacations or meals, as his dad found out later on.
  • "I fell into a ditch dug by my mother-in-law and ended up in the hospital…": Kevin was unhealthily attached to his mother even after marrying Melissa; whenever Melissa tried to talk about the abuse her MIL put her through, he always defends her no matter what and even blamed her for falling into a ditch his mother dug in their front yard to cause her a miscarriage. Eventually, Melissa gets sick of his crap and goes back to her parents' house to file a police report and divorce the mama's boy.
  • "During a flood, I begged my husband to save our baby, but he chose his mom over us…": Michael was attached to his mom even after marrying his wife Sarah and having their baby daughter Hannah. Moreover, he and his mom only acted nice towards Sarah and Hannah whenever his father was around to watch them since he chewed Michael out for being a mama's boy. When a typhoon was about to come, he started packing to take his mom to safety and refused to let Sarah and Hannah into the car, they both cried until Michael's father came in their aid before the flood came to take them.
  • "My husband was doing it with his own mother...": Ted is an extreme example of this trope; he is willing to cheat on his wife, Mary, with his own mother. When the OP caught them doing it in the living room, the mother justified as "a sacred ritual of mother and son". Furthermore, Mary couldn't handle it anymore and told it to Ted's father. As a result, both the OP and Ted's dad divorced their respective spouses, who didn't care as long as they had each other, even when she told them to pay alimony. However, the father reveals that he's firing Ted from his company, causing them to panic.
  • "I came home after giving birth and there was someone else living in my house...": Jack refused to let his wife, Jill, return to her parents' house to give birth and convinced her to have her baby with his mom, Rose. When she reached her baby's due date, Jack called every single one of his relatives to see their baby daughter. When the couple returns home, Jill finds out he rearranged the baby's room to accommodate Rose. When she tried to convince him otherwise, he called all his relatives again to have them verbally abuse the OP for it. When she finally calls Rose, she finds out Jack lied to his mother about her relationship with her parents. As a result, both Rose and Jill wait for him to hold him accountable for his behavior.
  • "I was taking the birth control pill, but I still got pregnant...": When the OP told her boyfriend, Kevin, about her pregnancy, he stated he's going to protect her and her baby. However, when they go to his mother's house, the old crone verbally abuses her while Kevin stands by idle, even when she entered OP's house. When she reports to Kevin later on that his mom shoved her into the traffic in retaliation for refusing to abort her baby if it was born female, he tried to diminish it as the OP seeing things. When OP finally discovers that Kevin deliberately flubbed her birth control to prove himself a "real man," any love she had remaining for him completely vanishes. Therefore, OP resolved herself to make the mother-son duo pay.
