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Memes / Man of Steel

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  • Zod's "I WILL FIND HIM!!" And he says it four times in the film. The "Where's Waldo" Crossovers have already begun.
  • "What does the [letter on costume] stand for?"
  • "WHERE DID YOU [action]? ON A FARM!?"
  • Thanks to trolls interpreting Superman's neck snap of Zod differently, referring to Superman as the "Man of Murder".
  • "STOP INVINCIBLE SON" - Jonathan Kent's decision to sacrifice himself has been met with some derision by /tv/.
  • Tied to Fandom Rivalry, images of Superman mocking The Avengers with "It took 6 of you stop an alien invasion? Seriously?" cropped up days after Man of Steel's release. Conversely, Avengers fans made a rebuttal image with Tony Stark pointing out that they managed to stop their invasion without destroying the whole damn citynote .
    • A similar joke began circulating between DC fans and Godzilla fans, arguing that Godzilla himself actually caused less property damage in his 2014 remake than Superman did here. note  note 
  • "Hopeman," to refer to Cavill's Superman. It comes from the film's aversion to using the name Superman and the "On my world it means hope" line being used in most of the marketing.
  • Some people have started calling the World Engine the "Dubstep Engine".
  • Still images of the scene where Superman screams in anguish while on the verge of tears after killing Zod have become a popular reaction image, especially for articles or threads dealing with something negative pertaining to the DCEU.
  • Still frames of the scene in the church where Clark talks while an image of Jesus Christ looms over him and the scene where he strikes a crucifix pose in space are often used as sarcastic images about examples of "subtle" symbolism in movies.
  • "Zack Snyder invented crying/screaming" Explanation 
