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Memes / Billy Madison

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  • Pretty much every line in the film. If you grew up in The '90s, you can probably quote this film line-for-line. Special mentions go to "O'Doyle Rules!" "Shampoo is better/No, conditioner is better," "Nudie magazine day".
  • "He called the shit poop!"
  • The bus driver is a Fountain of Memes, courtesy of good ol' Chris Farley.
  • The whole "I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul" monologue became a popular reaction meme to someone saying something stupid. To those who grew up with this movie, just a picture of the host's face without a caption is enough.
  • There is a particular demographic who will, upon hearing the word "chlorophyll", will either reply, or think, "Chlorophyll? More like BOROPHYLL."
  • Madison sitting among his younger classmates is often used by people making fun of themselves looking forward to something that's targeted at kids.
  • Fans of sports video maker UrinatingTree have this movie to thank for Billy's scream of "YOU BLEW IT!"
  • Madison's line of "Ahahahahahahaha, SHADDUP!", is one of the most iconic examples of HA HA HA—No, and is often used to shut down arguments or discussion topics one is sick of hearing.
