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Literature / Jock Meets Nerd

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"Stay Proud, Chase, Stay Proud."

A openly gay student who seeks crush on a popular jock who is closeted bisexual, during their half of senior year in the fall, they express love with each other. Greenview High School is the safest and the most diverse environment in there, and nothing can change that.

Seventeen year old Tommy Wheeler, an openly gay teen who is an outcast with his two best friends, Teddy and Georgina. He has a crush on a jock, Chase Lewis, yeah he's dreamy. Chase Lewis is in the basketball team, he's the popular guy in Greenview and dating his girlfriend, who is a popular sweet cheerleader. Tommy still has his hopes to have feelings with Chase since he's the openly gay one, and Chase is the closeted bisexual one.

During their senior year, when will these two be together? When will these go to prom together? When will these have a happily ever after?

Not to be confused with the webcomic Nerd & Jock.

This book contains the following tropes:

  • Adults Are Useless: Some staff members from school in the series had done nothing about the jocks bullying Tommy, but they got better once they find out about Andrew and Shane done something harmful to Tommy. Except for Andrew, the school expelled Shane.
    • Actually Averted with Chase's father, who happens to aware about his sexuality and defends his son from all that homophobia he had faced. He realized he's been to caught up with work instead of paying attention to his son's needs.
    • Played with Tommy's mother, Larissa had been emotionally neglectful to her son and it was justified because she haven't gotten over about her husband's death.
  • All Guys Want Cheerleaders: In the courtesy of Rebecca and Emma, the Greenview most popular and beautiful cheerleaders. They were admired and liked by the student body.
    • Chase had also dated cheerleader popular girl girlfriend Emma.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: Tommy on the hand, he was looked down and shunned by most of the people in school due to his family's situation and his poor background.
  • Big Man on Campus: Chase Lewis, Greenview High's star athlete on the basketball team, rich, handsome, popular and dating the most popular girl in school. He's well liked and respected by everyone.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Emma's friend, Courtney who was a part of her clique. She was a innocent girl at first, until at the end of the chapter, she tried to steal everything from Emma.
  • Class Princess: Emma is also qualify this because of her looks, popularity, charm and also her kindness as usual.
  • Gay Guy Seeks Popular Jock: This is what the story is all about, Lovable Jock Chase's love of his life will be Tommy, not Emma.
  • Graduation for Everyone: Except for Shane, the entire seniors from Greenview High graduated and had earned their happy ending.
  • High-School Sweethearts: Chase and Emma were Greenview's most power couple in school, they've been a couple since freshmen year, but they split up.
  • Jerk Jock: Shane and Andrew are the members of the basketball team and they're very unpleasant. They both bullying Outcasts Tommy and his friends, Georgina and Teddy.
    • Averted with Chase, because he's a nice guy despite of his peer pressure with his circle of friends.
  • Lovable Alpha Bitch: Emma is a preppy popular and lustful cheerleader with standards, but she's a likable student in Greenview High School.
  • Lovable Jock: Chase is the captain of the basketball team, who is kind and mature. He even makes Tommy and his friends feel comfortable.
  • Perpetual Poverty: Tommy and Georgina. Tommy is lesser extent because he's a working class student who paid the bills and took care of his mom. Georgina lives in a modern shack house, and her aunt and uncle is financially struggling, so she had to help them out by getting a job.
  • Prom Is for Straight Kids: Averted. Most of the LGBTQ students were allowed to attend senior prom with their dates.
  • Spoiled Sweet: Chase and Emma are upper class students, but they are genuinely nice people and harmelss to the lower class students.
